Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði - 01.01.2007, Page 126
Ari Páll Kristinsson
Thomas, George. 1991. Linguistic purism. Studies in language and linguistics. Long-
man, London/New York.
Vikor, Lars S. 2007. Sprákplanlegging. Prinsipp ogpraksis. 3. útg. Novus, Osló.
Þóra Björk Hjartardóttir. 2004. Baráttan um orðin. Orðanotkun tengd samkynhneigð.
íslenskt mál 26:83-122.
‘Language policy and planning studies’
Keywords: sociolinguistics, language policy and planning studies
Language policy and planning (LPP) studies, which belong to sociolinguistics and
applied linguistics, explore language policy and related concepts and practices. This
article describes various issues addressed in LPP studies. Examples are given of
different kinds of practices and processes which can be and have been examined, e.g.
standardization, prescriptivism, purism, plain language, language revival, to name but
a few. A few important terms are briefly described and discussed: language policy
and planning studies, language policy, language politics, language cultivation,
language status and language corpus, covert and overt language policy, language
planning, language status planning, language corpus planning. The purpose of this
discussion is to introduce LPP studies to the readers of íslenskt mál, and to present an
Icelandic terminology in the field.
Ari Páll Kristinsson
Stofnun Arna Magnússonar i íslenskum frœðum
Háskóla íslands
Neshaga 16
IS-107 Reykjavík