Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1936, Side 121

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1936, Side 121
Heima á Fróni 103 at this point not to remember the superb embodiment by Einar Jons- son of some of these legends, the symbolism with which he lias in- vested them. I am thinking espe- cially of the troll, petrified by the advent of morning, and the maiden, to Avhom the dawn brings free- dom.). The Þjóðminjasafn bespeaks many things of our earlier life and culture. The clialices and altar pieces bear Avitness not only to the exquisite workmanship in naany a sveinsstykki, but to the in- tensity of religious emotion. Native talent and industry pro- duced tlie beautiful needlework and tapestries copied from tlie old aianuscript illustrations. The head- dre-ss of the fine peysuföt did not, it is to be hoped, liave the tragic consequences of Hrefna’s coif; yet many a sword has, no doubt, a history as significant as that of Bolli’s Fótbítur. “Gengin er tíð, þá loft og lög valkyrjur riðu í leiftra Ijóma . . but it is essential tliat we recognize our heritage, our noble literature, our wealth in traditions and cus- toms and national traits, and that we bend our efforts towards their maintenance. Our people have made a magnificent contribution in the face of overwhelming odds —isolation, and geographical in- significance. It is not fitting that we in the new land let it perisli. Speculation That in the anguish of a gull should be The serried fragments of my threnody— That griefless wind should toss the spume and thrust It on the rocks to splinter into dust (As bleaching l)ones decayed in their enclosure Disintegrate before the worms’ composure)— Is tlmt dust in my mouth or only the sand Or tlie taste of dead leaves in a treeless land? That sea-mews shriek their shrift — that elements Of living things he seen in cerements Is no surprise to me because I found My buried plant is hlooming underground. Is that dust in my mouth or only the sand Or the taste of dead leaves in a treelcss land? M. A. B.
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Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga

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