Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1936, Síða 150

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1936, Síða 150
132 Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Islendinga The Millennial Hockey Competition, sponsored by the Icelandic National League, was staged at Selkirk, Man., March 7-8. Teams entered in this com- petition were: Selkirk, Arborg, Gimli and from Winnipeg, Maple Leafs, Pla-Mors, Cardinals and Falcons. Six games were played, tliree the first night and three, in- cluding semi-finals and finals on the second night. The Gimli Hockey Club was declared the winner of the competition and became the custodian of the Millennial Trophy for a period of one year. The Hockey Competition this year was on the whole successful and interesting,— good sportmanship and keen rivalry being the predominating note. The paid attend- ance, however, was no better than in former years, and expenses were neces- sarily higher. After the games the participating teams were invited to a banquet and dance pro- vided by the people of Selkirk, and at which the Selkirk Club acted as host to the visiting teams. This was a fitting climax to an interesting competition. On this occasion the Millennial Trophy was officially presented to the Gimli Club by Dr. Blondal on behalf of the Icelandic National League. At this time the Trustees would like to publicly thank the many splendid men and women who helped so materially to make this effort a success. We wish to thank Mr. Skinner, owner of the Selkirk Hockey Rink, for the reasonable rates he charged for use of the rink and his helpful co- operation in every respect. We wish to thank Mr. B. Kelly of Selkirk who so cheerfully gave of his time and that with- out compensation, for looking after our interests in the matter of collecting tickets. We wish to thank Mr. Gordon Skinner, who acted as a second referee and without pay. Also we wish to thank Mr. Carl Thorlakson, our official time keeper, and Mr. Ben Baldwin in an advisory capacity —both of whom cheerfully gave of their time and energies in the interests of the games. And lastly, we wish to thank the People of Selkirk for their splendid dis- play of good will. Trustees: A. Blondal Th. S. Thorsteinsson. Millennial Hockey Tropliy Fund. 1934 —• Balance handed over by J. W. Johann- son ....,............. $ 18.50 Ad. and Falcon program 1935 .................$ 3.00 Chartering of Buses to Selkirk ................. 4.30 Referee C. Fridfinnson.. 6.00 Repair of Trophy and name plate............... 8.50 Telephone calls............. 2.12 Refund to Cardinals, 8 players at 25c........... 2.00 Expenses incidental to competition ............. 5.00 Ad. in Falcon Program 1935 .................... 3.00 Receipts from games . . 28.95 Net balance .......... 13.53 $47.45 $47.45 A. Blondal. J. Walter Jóhannsson lagöi til og B. Finnson studdi, aö skýrslan sé viðtekin meS þökkutn og bókuð. Samþykt. 16. liður: Minnisvarðamál. Dr. R. Pétursson lagöi til og Guötnann Levy studdi, aö þriggja manna þingnefnd sé sett í máliö. Samþykt. Las ritari fjárhagsskýrslu í sambandi viö minnisvaröann, er hér fylgir: Landnema minnisvarðinn á Gimli. Samskot— í sjóöi frá fyrri nefnd $ 93.90 Frá Þjóðræknisfél. .. 100.00 Almenn samskot .... 634.16 Alls................ $828.06 Útgjöld— Til Th. S. Borgfjörös $ 749.35 O. S. Thorgeirsson .. 4.50 Columbia Press....... 6.20 Birks-Dingwall....... 5.00 3 ferðir til Gimli .... 6.75 771.80
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Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga

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