

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1923, Side 122

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1923, Side 122
220 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ eru greindar. Af töflunum má sjá, aö af börnunum, sem þar eru talin, hafa 42,25% haft nit, þar af örlitla 21,23%, litla 14,33%, talsveröa 6,17% og mikla 0,52%. Taflan sýnir, aö bæði á piltum og stúlkum er nit tíðust á 11 og 12 ára aklri, en fátíðari hæðí á undan og eftir. Ekki er ósennilegt, að minni nit á yngstu bömunum stafi af því, aö á heimilunum sé meiri rækt lögð við að ])rifa þau en þau eidri; að hún verður tíðari á 11 og 12 ára börnum af því, að þeim sé ætlað að ]irifa sig sjálfum, áður en þau eru til þess fær, og að hún verður aftur fátíöari á elstu börnunum af þvi, að fleiri af þeim séu farin aö geta þrifiö sig sjálf. Summary. In the district of Svarfaðardalur 1x20 school-children were medically examined during the years 1916—1922. The author gives an account oí the stature of the children and their commonest ailments, omitting those who were younger than 10 or older than 13, as there were very few below or above these limits. , Average height at 10 was: boys 133,67 cm., girls 133,63 cm. 11 12 137,57 '4b3° 144.91 Grouping the children according to the ecconomic status of their re- spective homes the doctor found that the height of the children from the rich and the fairly well-to-do 'nomes was very rnuch the same while those whc lived in póor circumstances were of considerablv lower stature. Of these children 85,95% hacl swollen glands; 76,61% carious teetþ, 59.38% hypertrof. tonsill., 16,5% scoliosis, and 38.71% nits. The swelling of the glands was in niost cases insignificant, in less than 12% it was considerable, and great in only 0,2%. With regard to the swelling of the glands it mattered little whether the children came from íuberculous homes or not. In one case only did the medical examination reveal manifest tuberculosis. Hypertrof, tonsill. was rarely great, onlv 2,98% had both tonsils greatly enlarged, and 14,7% had one or botli tonsils considerably enlarged. Scoliosis was generally very slight; 0,63% of the children were in a high degree affected by scoliosis. Nits were found on 16,77% ot' the boys and 68,95% of the girls, bu< none of the boys, and only 1% of the girls, were seriously affected. Lice were found on only 8 children during the whole period. The nits were most abundant on children aged 11—12 who were supposed to look after themselves before they were capable of doing so.
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