Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2006, Side 103

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2006, Side 103
Tímarit um menntarannsóknir, 3. árgangur 2006 98 About the authors Amalía Björnsdóttir is an Associate Professor at the Iceland University of Education. She received a Ph.D. in quantitative psychology from the University of Oklahoma in 1996. Her research fields are testing and measurement, gender differences and social influences on academic achievement. She has been a consultant on research on the connection between phonic awareness and reading. E-mail: amalia@khi.is Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir received an M.A. degree in Education in 2003 and is studying for a Ph.D. degree in the same field at the University of Iceland. Her research has been on equity in education with an emphasis on gender perspective. E-mail: berglindros@gmail.com Börkur Hansen is a Professor at the Iceland University of Education. He has a Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University of Alberta, Canada. Research fields: School management, decentralization of schools, teachers’ views towards their profession, school development, school history. E-mail: borkur@khi.is Guðný Guðbjörnsdóttir is Professor of Education in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Iceland. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Leeds, an M.Sc. from Manchester University, and a B.A. from Vassar College. Her main research interests are: Gender, identities and education; leadership, gender, education and equity; cultural literacy of adolescents and adults; cognitive development of children. E-mail: gg@hi.is Kristín Elva Viðarsdóttir is a psychology student and a teacher at the University of Akureyri. She completed an M.Ed. degree in education from the Iceland University of Education in 2006. Her primary research area is queer studies. E-mail: ha040367@unak.is Kristján Kristjánsson is Professor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Education, University of Akureyri, Iceland. He received his Ph.D. in moral philosophy from the University of St Andrews in 1990. His main research areas are philosophy of education, ethics, emotion theory and moral education. He is currently completing a book entitled Aristotle, Emotions and Education (Ashgate, forthcoming). E-mail: kk@unak.is Ólafur H. Jóhannsson is Assistant Professor at the Iceland University of Education. He has an M.Ed. in Educational Administration from University of Bristol, England. Research fields: School management, decentralization of schools, teachers’ views towards their profession, school development, the effects of in-service education, school history. E-mail: ohj@khi.is Sif Einarsdóttir is Associate Professor in the Career Counseling and Guidance Program at the University of Iceland. She received a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, in 2001. Her main research activities have been in the area of vocational interests and the cross-cultural validity of assessment instruments. She has also done some research on adult learners and bullying. E-mail: sif@hi.is About the authors
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Tímarit um menntarannsóknir

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