Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2010, Síða 89

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2010, Síða 89
slíkar umræður geta stuðlað að auknum þætti fjölmenningar í skipulagi skólastarfs. niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar leiddu meðal annars í ljós að kennsla innflytjendabarna var með svipuðum hætti, þótt skipulag hennar væri mislangt á veg komið í þátttökuskólunum. einnig kom fram að faglegur undirbúningur kennara væri nauðsynlegur fyrir kennslu inn - flytjendabarna, sérstaklega vegna þess að íslensku kennslan væri öðruvísi með erlendum nemendum. Við getum tekið undir það og teljum að með faglegum undirbúningi verði kennslan bæði skemmtilegri og auðveldari. niðurstöður sýna einnig að námsver koma að miklu gagni meðan nemendur af erlendum uppruna eru að aðlagast íslensku skólaumhverfi, einkum hjálpa þau þeim að auka hæfni sína í verkefnavinnu inni í bekkjarstofunni. Þá er ljóst að foreldrar barna af erlendum uppruna þyrftu að fá tækifæri til að kynnast betur íslenskri skólamenningu. með þetta í huga teljum við að kennsla innflytjendabarna og viðhorf kennara til hennar þurfi að fá meiri athygli. einnig teljum við mikilvægt að styrkja þátt fjölmenningar í skipulagi skólastarfs, einkum með því að styðja kennara með ráðgjöf, námskeiðum eða með öðrum hætti. að okkar mati styðja kennarar erlenda nemendur vel með því að nota hópa - vinnu því að með aðstoð bekkjarfélaganna er auðveldara fyrir þá að tileinka sér það sem fram fer í kennslustofunni. Það ætti líka að styrkja þá í að aðlagast íslenskri skólamenningu. abstract Teachers’ experiences in teaching immigrant students The main focus of this study was teaching diverse student groups, in particular teachers’ views towards teaching immigrant students. The four participating schools had students aged 6 to 16 and all of them emphasized multicultural learning and teaching. One of the four schools had formed a clear policy on multicultural education, but the others had it on their agenda during the time of the study. Method The study was based on qualitative methods where collection and analysis of data consisted of interviews with eight compulsory school teachers about their experiences in teaching immigrant students. The participants were all women of different ages and all had had various experiences working as teachers. The main aim was to identify some elements that might affect teachers’ points of view when offering learning conditions, learning experiences and materials to diverse groups of students, especially when immigrant children are part of the group. Findings some of the participants emphasised that teach ers should embrace positive attitudes towards multicultural teaching. The participants’ motivat - ions were, among other things, immigrant students’ increased confidence and joy when they began to understand more and more. But the main con straints seemed to be not enough time to find or develop suitable assignments for children of diverse origins. some of the things they claimed counted in providing a multicultural environment and learning conditions were suitable sizes of schools, administrators’ readi ness to change, good school culture, and teachers who show interest or are devoted to multicultural policy. Participants also thought that professional preparation was important since teaching immigrant students is inevitably quite different from teaching main - stream groups. some of them thought that the work was stressful, challenging and that it included a great deal of work and patience. The participants also agreed on the rele vance of a learning centre for immigrant children as a support for new icelanders when adjusting to their new environment. They also thought that immigrant children seemed to have friends among icelandic children in their schools, but they did not seem to mingle much with them after school. The participants also noticed that cultural differences were prominent when it came to interaction between icelandic and immigrant children with respect to their roles and duties at home. Participants said they interacted with icelandic parents through email but with immigrant parents directly with assistance from an interpreter. They agreed that the immigrant parents should be given opportunities to get more acquainted with the icelandic school culture. Discussion 89Kennarar og kennarastarf í fjölmenningarlegu samfélagi Tímarit um menntarannsóknir, 7. árgangur 2010 Tímarit um menntarannsóknir_Layout 1 1/17/11 5:18 PM Page 89
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