Gripla - 01.01.1995, Page 178
The corresponding passage in Sth. 3 writes that this occurred seven
years later; it also transmits Juliana’s reasons for wishing to move, but
in a deviating sequence:
Siav vetrvm sidar vilde Jvliana fara til Jorsala landz31 og ' kom' til
Mikla gardz og villde faa at hafa med likama bonda sins. þviat
hvn var þar ættvd og fader hennar lifde þar. og so j avdrvm
matha var hennar miog freistad vmm þat at hvn skyllde gipttazt.
en hvn villde þat ecki. (234:9-14)
The discrepancy in numbers also exists in non-Icelandic sources. In the
Translatio account edited by Mombritius, we read „Post octo annos“
(480:43), whereas the Legenda aurea writes: „Evolutis ergo VII annis
Juliana ejus uxor in patriam suam volens redire“ (p. 463), while the
Passionael transmits a variant of this: „vnde syne vrouwe bleef dar
noch .vij. iaer“ (xcviii, a). Neither the Latin redaction edited by Mom-
britius, however, nor that in the Legenda aurea transmits the motiva-
tion given in the two Icelandic redactions.
There is a second discrepancy in numbers in the first Translatio ac-
count. When a scholar is fetched to translate the Hebrew text on the
coffin containing the body of St. Stephen, we read in Sth. 2 that he ar-
rives „med tveim vitnis mónnvm“ (48ra40-41; Hms 305:28-29), but in
Sth. 3 he is accompanied by „fimm vitnis monnvm“ (237:16). The read-
ing in Sth. 2 corresponds to that in Mombritius’s edition, „cum duobus
protectoribus“ (482:26). Although the Legenda aurea does not trans-
mit this scene, its source may have contained the variant reading found
in Sth. 3.
Finally, just as the Translatio account in Sth. 3 opens with a longer
introductory passage, it also closes with a reference to the many pil-
grims who sought out the shrine of St. Stephen - but this is not found
in Sth. 2:
og vard helgr domvren þar j nockvr ar og giordizt þangat mikil
sogkn af ymsvm londvm saker othalegra jartheikna giorda er gvd
almatthogr synde þar syndogvm monnvm fyrer arnadar 'ord'
heilags Stefani. (238:11-14)
31 The text is corrupt. and should read af Jorsalalande, as in Sth. 2. Presumably Björn
had tried to make sense of the text by inserting the word kom over the line between og
and til.