Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.10.1967, Síða 296

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.10.1967, Síða 296
270 .Ton (5lafsson of Grunnavik (1705-79) makes a number of references to a work he read in MS which he ealls Philosophia naturalis. It was in Latin and divided into two books, the first “de geniis, umbris, spectris, larvis et mon- stris montanis”, the second about “anthropodæmones, semihomines” and “essentias subterraneas” (these names were the author’s expressions for ålfar). The work was divided into chapters and the first chapter is described as “geniorum seu umbrarum examen”. Several narratives were contained in the work. There is no known work which this description fits exactly but certain things about it could point to De geniis et spectris. Poråur Porlåksson (1637-97), the later bishop of Skålholt, remarks in 1669 in Copenhagen that the previous summer he had received from a friend in Iceland an “opusculum de spectris” by Siguråur Stefånsson, head-master of the school in Skålholt, who was drowned c. 1595. Nothing is known about this opusculum but in several works from the first half of the 18th century reference is made to a legend that SigurSur Stefånsson incurred the wrath of the elves by writing about them and that they took their revenge on him by drowning him. P. Syv’s Historia geniorum was anonymous. P. H. Resen says in his description of Iceland and in the catalogue from 1685 that the author of De geniis et spectris was Magister Gisli Vigfåsson (c. 1637-73). This piece of information may have been contained in the MS. Åmi Mag- nåsson, who identified Historia geniorum and De geniis et spectris, also ascribed the work to Gisli Vigfåsson and comments, with reference to Påråur Porlåksson’s remark, that opusculum de spectris must have been this work, whereas SigurSur Stefånsson had written a “Historia dæmonum” that was not known by Borå ur Borlåksson (Fr. Burg gives good reasons for doubting that Åmi Magnusson was justified in his opinion of opusculum de spectris). Påll Vidalin is in doubt as to whether the author of De geniis et spectris is Siguråur Stefånsson or Gisli Vigfåsson and claims that there are those who assert that the latter ascribed to himself a work that was in faet written by Siguråur Stefånsson. J6n Borkelsson wavers between Siguråur Stefånsson—- whose lifetime he places wrongly in the 17th century—and Vigfås Gisla- son (Gisli Vigfåsson’s father, 1608-47, whom he would seem to have confused with the son). An examination of the quotations in P. H. Resen reveals that some of them best fit the period at which Siguråur Stefånsson was alive, others that at which Gisli Vigfåsson lived, but conclusive evidence is not to be found. It is possible that Gisli Vigfåsson revised or expanded a work written by Siguråur Stefånsson, who was the brother of his grandmother. Jon (5lafsson names Siguråur Stefånsson as the author of Philosophia natu- ralis but this is probably only a guess. 5. Islands Beskrivelse i danske Rim. A work of this nature is named several times in lists of MSS, first by the Danish historian A. S. Vedel (f 1616): “En krønicke om Island paa Riim Poffuel Stigsøns ut putant”. Poul Stigsen was the Danish governor of Iceland from 1559 and he died there in 1566. Åmi Magnåsson is known to have owned at least two copies of a rhymed
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