Helga Law Journal - 01.01.2021, Blaðsíða 60

Helga Law Journal - 01.01.2021, Blaðsíða 60
Helga Law Journal Vol. 1, 2021 62 Dr. Snjólaug Árnadóttir 63 their establishment. However, the stability afforded to straight baselines at highly unstable deltaic coastlines seems to be provisional. UNCLOS article 7(2) provides that: Where because of the presence of a delta and other natural conditions the coastline is highly unstable, the appropriate points may be selected along the furthest seaward extent of the low-water line and, notwithstanding subsequent regression of the low-water line, the straight baselines shall remain effective until changed by the coastal State in accordance with this Convention. The phrase ‘until changed by the coastal State in accordance with this Convention’ suggests that States, relying on straight baselines along highly unstable coastlines, are under an obligation to adjust such baselines when coastlines change. As explained by Soons, this reference to subsequent change indicates that States do not have discretionary powers in this regard.58 Likewise, Churchill and Lowe have asserted that ‘article 7(2) does, of course, require a State eventually to change its baselines’.59 Indeed, it seems unlikely that States would ever update straight baselines, following the regression of the low-water line, unless they were obligated to do so. UNCLOS article 7(2) applies to coastlines that are unstable due to deltas and other natural conditions and the reference to ‘other natural conditions’ might be interpreted so as to include instability resulting from sea level rise and other foreseeable changes. Such an approach has been promoted as a method for stabilizing otherwise ambulatory maritime limits.60 Brown has noted that the precise scope of UNCLOS article 7(2) is unclear because the provision does not settle ‘[w]hat degree of change over what period of time would be considered to constitute a high degree of instability’.61 UNCLOS article 7(2) was meant to be a narrow exception, designed to deal with the exceptional circumstances at the Bengal delta62 and not large-scale changes to coastal geography, such as the complete submergence of islands. Yet, the provision is not explicitly limited to such circumstances so it might conceivably be used to afford stability to coastlines affected by sea level rise. Still, the co-chairs of the ILC’s Study Group on sea level rise have considered this possibility and concluded that it cannot prevent the destabilising effects of substantial sea level rise.63 58 Alfred H A Soons (n 27) 220. 59 Robin R Churchill and Alan V Lowe, The Law of the Sea, 3rd edition (Juris Publishing 1999) 38. 60 Moritaka Hayashi ‘Sea Level Rise and the Law of the Sea: Legal and Policy Options’ in Proceedings of International Symposium on Islands and Oceans (Ocean Policy Research Foundation 2009) 79. 61 ILA Baselines Committee, ‘Conference Report Washington 2014’ (ILA 2014) referring to Edward Duncan Brown, The International Law of the Sea, vol I (Dartmouth 1994) 27. 62 See Bay of Bengal Maritime Boundary Arbitration (Bangladesh v India) (2014) 167 ILR 1, para 237 referring to hearing transcript, 117, paras 1 and 16. 63 UN Doc A/CN.4/740 (n 29) para 79. Convention.’53 In Nicaragua v Colombia, the ICJ referred to Nicaragua’s failure to notify the UNSG of the location of base points, in accordance with UNCLOS article 16(2) and found that, for that reason, the relevant area would have to be ‘determined only on an approximate basis’.54 Therefore, it may be concluded that failure to deposit charts and coordinates with the UNSG affects the right to rely upon certain maritime limits. Baselines, and derived outer limits (with the exception of the outer limits of the continental shelf), will shift either automatically in accordance with physical changes to coastlines or through mandatory adjustments enacted by coastal States.55 Coastal States have an obligation to display maritime limits on charts or lists of coordinates and even though there is no explicit obligation to submit such data regarding the normal baseline to the UNSG, UNCLOS article 5 clearly assumes that normal baselines are displayed on officially recognised charts. UNCLOS provisions concerning the entitlement to maritime zones, breadth of maritime zones and obligation to display maritime limits apply on a continuing basis and, therefore, there must be an obligation to reflect changes to ambulatory limits on relevant charts. Inaction may lead to de facto stable limits but only tentative stability because limits can always be challenged by other States if not in conformity with the applicable law. When challenged and if the charted line proves inaccurate, courts and tribunals resort to the actual low-water line.56 According to this, unilaterally declared maritime limits usually become unenforceable when essential coastal geography changes. However, States can rely on outdated maritime limits and hope they go unchallenged, which can even lead to tacit acceptance as explained in Chapter 3. Yet, this comes at the risk of falling back to the mean low-water line,57 in which case a moderate claim to straight or archipelagic baselines in light of the changed coastline would be more beneficial for the coastal State. 2.2 Straight Baselines at Highly Unstable Deltaic Coastlines UNCLOS article 7(2) forms an exception to the general rule that all baselines become unopposable as soon as they cease to satisfy the requirements essential for 53 UNCLOS: Meeting of States Parties `Practice of the Secretary-General in respect of the deposit of charts and/or lists of geographical coordinates of points under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea' (13 April 2020) UN Doc SPLOS/30/12, para 16. 54 Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v Colombia) (Judgment) [2012] ICJ Rep 624, para 35 and Award in the arbitration regarding the delimitation of the maritime boundary between Guyana and Suriname (Guyana v Suriname) (2007) XXX RIAA 1, para 159. 55 David D Caron, (n 22) 9. 56 See Nicaragua v Colombia (n 54) para 35 and Award in the arbitration regarding the delimitation of the maritime boundary between Guyana and Suriname (Guyana v Suriname) (2007) XXX RIAA 1, para 396. 57 UNCLOS article 5 is generally understood as referring to ‘the mean low-water line along the coast’. See Ashley Roach and Robert W Smith, ‘Straight Baselines: The Need for a Universally Applied Norm’ (2000) 31 Ocean Development and International Law 47, 50.
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