Læknablaðið - 15.10.1949, Blaðsíða 103
þjóð frá árunum 1911—1925,
er greinir frá 1767 tilfellum frá
50 sjúkrahúsum og áður var
minnzt á, telur meðaldánar-
tölu 32,8%, en statistik frá
Gávlesjúkrahúsinu í Svíþjóð
frá árunum 1928—1942 skýrir
frá 162 tilfellum af perf. ulc.
pept. og er dánartalan þar
15.8%, en af 51 tilfelli operer-
uðum í St. Göranssjúkrahús-
inu í Stokkhólmi dóu aðeins 2
eða tæplega 4%. Nýlega hefir
H. Finsterer birt 298 tilfelli frá
Vínarborg af perf. u. p. Á 90
völdum tilfellum var gerð re-
section með dánartölu 4,4%, en
á hinum 208 aðeins sutura
ulceris með dánartölu 25%.
Eins og áður um getur, mun
ekki fjarri sanni, að um 100
tilfelli af ulcus peptic. perforat
hafi verið opereruð á öllum
sjúkrahúsum landsins á tíma-
bilinu frá 1923-1948. Hefir mér
talizt svo til, að meðaldánar-
tala eftir aðgerð á um 87 þess-
ara tilfella, er ég hefi getað
fengið upplýsingar um, fari
ekki fram úr 13 af hundraði og
má það teljast mjög góður ár-
angur miðað við öll árin.
The St. Josephs Hospital in
Reykjavík opened on the lst
of Sept. 1902. Until 1930 it was
the main hospitál of South Ice-
During the first 21 year
period or until October 22nd
1923, not á single case of per-
forated peptic ulcer seems to
have been diagnosed nor treat-
ed in this hospital nor in any
other hospital in the country.
Neither is there any death
from perforated pept. ulcer re-
ported in the public healtli
register of this period, with
only one exception in the year
During the following 25 year
period (1923—1948) 27 cases
of an acute perforation and 8
cases of a subacute perforation
(perf. larvata) of peptic ulcera-
tions were admitted to and
operated on in the St. Josephs
Hospital and further 8 cases
were given surgicál treatment
(reoperation) for the sequelœ
of an acute perforation that
primarily had been opcrated
on in other hospitals.
There is thus a total of 42
cases, as one of them is counted
twice (in group 1 and 3). — In
the first group there were two
wcmen, in tlie second group
one woman and in the third
group none. — The relation
between the sexes thus being
39:3 for all three groups.
Ulcers of the duodenum and
pylorus were prevalent in all
3 groups (being 35 cases
against 7 gastric ulcers). Two
cases had perforated twice and
3 had perforated in the hospi-
The treatment was surgical