Læknablaðið - 15.10.1949, Blaðsíða 104
in all cases. — A simple closure
of the ulcerperforation was
made in 26 cases of the first
group, but in one case a costal
resection was done and no
The immediate operative
fatalities amongst those who
underwent a laparotomy were
2 i. e. 7, 8 percent (or 7, 4 per-
cent amongst áll 27 cases).
Eleven of the remaining 25
cases had to be reoperated on
later, because of the same
disease or its complications
(with one immediate fatálity).
Two more of them are dead,
one from a cancer of the sto-
mach 5 years later (39 years
old) and the other from a re-
current intestinal obstruction,
the others (9) are still álive
(1949) and are enjoying good
Of the 14 not reoperated, 9
had a good or a fairly good re-
sult from the primary opera-
tion, 2 had a bad result and 2
have succumbed later on, one
from apoplexia, the other from
an accident. — One couldn’t be
traced (a foreigner).
In the 2nd and 3rd group a
G. E. anast. was done in 12
cases, an excision of the ulcer
and G. E. anast., a gastrectomy
ad an exploratory laparatomy
in one case each.
In 14 cases the result has
been good, bad in one case, they
are all álive, with one excep-
tion, who died from cancer of
the stomach five years later, at
the age of 28.
Approximately some 100
cases of an acute perforation
of peptic ulceration are known
to have had surgicál treatment
in áll the hospitals of Iceland1)
during this 25 year period
(1923 to 1948).
The immediate operative
mortality. as far as the author
could trace amongst 87 of the
cases does not seem to exceed
13 percent.
Helztu heimildir.
Heilbrigðisskýrslur 1902—1945.
Mannfjöldaskýrslur 1911—1940.
Skýrslur Landsspítalans 1930—1945.
Jónas Sveinsson: Perforatio ventri-
culi ete Zbl.; f. Chir, nr. 23, 1933.
Olafur O. Lárusson: Sprungin
rnaga- og skeifugarnarsár. Lbl. 22.
árg. 1936.
Bartel Bager: Beitrag' zur Kenntnis
iiber Vorkommen, Klinilc und Be-
handlung von perforierten Magen
und zwölffinger-darmgesclrwuren
etc, Stockhohn 1929.
Henry L. Bockhus: Gastro-Enter-
ology Vol. I. S. 516.
Brun G. og Landelius E.: La resec-
tion radiente dans la maladie ul-
cereuse. chr. J. internat. de chir-
urg. Jan.—Febr. 1947
Leuer C. A.: Acut Perforation of
Stomach and Small bowell ulcer-
ation etc. Surgery. March 1949, s.
Finsterer H.: Gastric and Duodenal
Ulcers and theire Complications
1) The population of the country
had increased from about 100.000 to
138 thousand during this period.