Ritröð Guðfræðistofnunar - 01.01.2012, Síða 96
English summary
In this article „I was like Job“ the author provides a brief summary of the
Nobel Prize Winner Elie Wiesefs religious biography. In particular, two
of Wiesehs books The Night and The Trial of God, which both are based
on his experience in Auschwitz, are discussed. The article argues that
Wiesel makes much use of biblical themes in his memorial books from
the holocaust. The article also argues, that adopting biblical themes is in
accordance with an age-old Jewish tradition of taking significant events
from the collective history and turning them into paradigms or points of
reference to measure and understand contemporary events. Job, the Old
Testament character, is often named in Wiesel's writings and described as
“our contemporary”. Another important role in WieseTs writings is played
by the prophet Jeremiah, as well as the Book of Esther and the laments of
the Psalter.
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