Ráðunautafundur - 20.02.1996, Blaðsíða 17
Of the commercial income invoiced by the Advisory Service, 37% is remitted to SAC’s
Specialist Departments and Anaiytical Laboratories for services provided to Advisory Service
clients on a sub-contract basis.
The three Subscription Schemes (Premium Subscription, Subscription, Crofter Sub-
scription) operated by the Advisory Service provide farmers with telephone access to their
local Adviser and ensure a regular flow of up-to-date advice and information through SAC
Technical Notes and a local Advisory Newsletter. The Premium Subscription also covers farm
visits by the local Adviser or an SAC Specialist, up to a maximum of four hours per year, and
reduced fee rates for some SAC services. Many ciients take larger Contracts with SAC, pro-
viding a wider range of services tailored to their needs, but incorporating the benefits of the
Premium Subscription. For an arable farm such a Contract might inciude regular farm visits,
crop planning and crop walking, routine soil analysis, weekly Crop Protection Reports, and
cash flow budgeting and monitoring. For a livestock farm a Contract might inciude reguiar
farm visits, fodder analysis, livestock ration formulation, and monthly Sheep and Beef Notes.
Many farmers are members of relevant crop or iivestock Groups. These provide a focus for
members and SAC Advisers to discuss research findings, outlook forecasts and seasonal man-
agement needs.
Aii Agricultural Advisers give advice on farm business management to a greater or
lesser extent, supported by their specialist colleagues in the Rural Business Unit. Specific
Business Services inciude business appraisal and planning, annual budget preparation, and
business monitor to assess cash flow against budget. SAC Advisers have detailed knowledge
of EU and UK crop and livestock schemes which both limit production and make payments to
farmers, and can assist clients in making decisions about the business structure and enterprise
mix which will optimise their returns. SAC Advisers can also offer advice on opportunities
for generating income from activities other than farming, e.g. tourism. Through their local
SAC Adviser, farmers have access to a wide range of engineering and building design
services, including assessments and advice relating to EU and UK regulations on health and
safety at work and environmental protection.
All of these services are backed by analytical and diagnostic laboratory facilities for soil
analysis, livestock feed analysis, diagnosis of pests, diseases and disorders of crops and plants,
milk and food hygiene, and animal and fish health.