Helga Law Journal - 01.01.2021, Side 84

Helga Law Journal - 01.01.2021, Side 84
Helga Law Journal Vol. 1, 2021 86 Helga Guðmundsdóttir 87 within and beyond EEZs have a duty to cooperate to this end. The article enumerates several factors which States shall take into account when determining the compatible measures which shall govern the management in both areas, including, for example, the extent to which the stock occurs in each jurisdiction, the dependence of the coastal States and high seas fishing States on the stocks, and ensuring that measures do not result in harmful impact on the living marine resources as a whole. The parties that are currently the main disputants in the mackerel dispute are all bound by the 1995 Fish Stocks Agreement. Seeing as the North East Atlantic mackerel is both a straddling and transboundary stock, the relevant articles are applicable to the measures of the parties to the dispute within their respective EEZs, including their determination of the TAC. 3 The Mackerel Dispute Act 2: The tragedy begins to unfold and the audience is briefly introduced to the role of each protagonist in playing out the classic tragedy of the commons. Ultimately each of them – for the age old reason of self-interests – seeks to further their own gains at the expense of other protagonists and the common good. The North East Atlantic mackerel is a pelagic fish stock found in the North East Atlantic Ocean.29 The mackerel is a migratory stock which travels vast distances in search of food.30 The stock’s distribution has changed in recent years with the stock reaching further north and west in the North East Atlantic Ocean.31 The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (“ICES”) – which has gained a great deal of authority and trust in its advisory role on sustainable fisheries and whose advice undoubtedly falls under what the law of the sea framework considers to be the “best scientific advice” available in article 61 – investigated the changes in the distribution in 2013.32 Its report traced the cause of the changes to several factors, 29 ‘Report of the Advisory Committee on Mackerel in the Northeast Atlantic’ (2013) ICES CM 2013/ACOM:58, at 1; Jean Weissenberger, ‘North-East Atlantic Fish Stock Dispute: The Mackerel and Herring Conflicts’ (2013), European Parliamentary Research Service 130686REV1 (2013) 2. 30 ‘Mackerel Fishing Dispute Questions & Answers’ (2009) Report of the Working Group on Mackerel Fisheries Established by the Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture 4; J. N. Keay, ‘Handling and Processing Mackerel’ (1973), Torry Advisory Note 66. 31 Hafrannsóknastofnun, Environmental Conditions in Icelandic Waters 2009 (Reykjavík 2010) 25. 32 ICES is an intergovernmental organization established with the objective of enhancing the sustainability of the oceans. This objective is achieved through the gathering of scientific information and knowledge of the oceans and its living resources through a collaboration of over nearly 6000 scientists. On the basis of the information gathered, including on estimates of a fish stock’s population, maturing rate and the extent to which it can be exploited without endangering the stock, ICES provides advice to the competent authorities and relevant decision makers on how to enhance sustainability of the ocean’s living resources. ‘Who Are We’, (ICES) <www.ices.dk> accessed 23 October 2021; Bjørnar Dahl Hotvedt, ‘The Problem of Sharing a Common Stock: An Analysis of the Mackerel Conflict in the North East Atlantic’ (2010) Masters Dissertation, Norwegian College of Fishery Science 8. Atlantic Fisheries Commission, has been established to provide a forum for the cooperation in the management of straddling stocks. Its regulatory reach is, however, limited to the areas outside the coastal State’s national jurisdiction. There are, furthermore, no provisions in the Convention stipulating the objective of the attempts of cooperation apart from their being aimed at conserving and developing a shared fish stock. The reference to development refers, inter alia, to promoting a more effective management of heavily exploited stocks.25 Moreover, and crucially, the Convention does not elaborate on how quotas for fishing a shared fish stock shall be allocated between the harvesting States.26 In the mackerel dispute, it is indeed this aspect that has been the main cause for the impasse in the negotiations and the resulting failure for several consecutive years to reach an agreement acceptable to all parties on the conservation and management of the stock. 2.2 The 1995 Fish Stocks Agreement At the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (‘UNCED’), held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992, the need for a more detailed framework for the management of straddling stocks was discussed. Following UNCED, and upon its recommendation, the United Nations General Assembly convened a conference in 1993 to seek better cooperation in the exploitation of such stocks. The conference adopted the 1995 Fish Stocks Agreement which was drafted to improve the implementation of article 63 of the Convention in order to ‘ensure the long-term conservation and sustainable use of straddling fish stocks’.27 The Agreement for instance details the tasks of regional fisheries management organizations (‘RFMOs’) and how they should be established, and furthermore calls for the strengthening of existing RFMOs. According to article 3, the scope of application of the 1995 Fish Stocks Agreement remains for the most part limited to the high seas. However, articles 6 and 7 as well as the general principles enumerated in article 5 are also applicable within coastal States’ EEZs.28 To briefly summarize the scope of these articles, articles 5 and 6 stipulate that parties must apply the precautionary approach, signifying that they must have a more cautious approach to the conservation, management and exploitation of a straddling stock when information is uncertain or when the fisheries are new or exploratory. Article 7 introduces the principle of compatibility, under which it is recognized that conservation and management of a straddling stock in its entirety requires the measures established for the high seas and those which are established in a coastal State’s EEZ to be compatible. Article 7 provides further that parties fishing a stock 25 Munro, Van Houtte and Willmann (n 24). 26 Ibid 27 1995 Fish Stocks Agreement, article 2; Churchill and Lowe (n 16) 162; Moritaka Hayashi, ‘The Management of Transboundary Fish Stocks under the LOS Convention’ (1993), 8 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 245, 246. 28 1995 Fish Stocks Agreement, article 3(1)-(2).
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