Helga Law Journal - 01.01.2021, Side 127
Helga Law Journal Vol. 1, 2021
132 133
- Hrd. 1994, page 2497
- Hrd. 1952, page 190 (Protest against NATO)
District Court Cases
- E-2924/2013
- E-1441/2013
- E-6474/2009
- E-4007/2008
ECtHR Case Law
- Plattform Ärste für Das leben v Austria App no 10126/82 (ECHR, 21. June
- Þorgeir Þorgeirsson v. Iceland (1992) Series A no. 239.
National Instruments
- Child Protection Act No. 80/2002 (ICE)
- Civil Protection Act No. 82/2008 (ICE)
- Conservation Act No. 60/2013 (ICE)
- Constitution of the Republic of Iceland, Act No. 33/1944 (ICE)
- Constitutional Assembly Act No. 90/2010 (ICE)
- Criminal Procedure Act No. 88/2008 (ICE)
- General Penal Code, Act No. 19/1940 (ICE)
- Grade School Act No. 91/2008 (ICE)
- Holidays Act No. 32/1997 (ICE)
- Human Rights Act No. 62/1994 (ICE)
- Police Act No. 90/1996 (ICE)
- Public University Act No. 85/2008 (ICE)
- Quarantine Act No. 19/1997 (ICE)
- Tort law Act No. 50/1993 (ICE)
- University Act No. 63/2006 (ICE)
Other Instruments
- Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,
Other Authorities
- Alþingistíðindi. A 1994-1995. Document, 389. 2104, 2108.
- Alþingistíðindi 1992-1993, A-deild.
Books and Articles
- Bjarni Benediktsson, ‘Stjórnskipulegur neyðarréttur’ [1959] PL 4.
- Björg Thorarensen, ‘Áhrif Mannréttindasáttmála Evrópu á vernd
tjáningarfrelsis að íslenskum rétti’ (2003) 4 Tímarit lögfræðinga
- Björg Thorarensen, ‘Why the making of a crowd-sourced Constitution in
Iceland failed’ (Constitution Making & Constitutional Change, 26 February
- Björg Thorarensen, Mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu: Meginreglur, framkvæmd og áhrif
á íslenskan rétt (2nd edn, Codex 2017)
- Björg Thorarensen, Stjórnskipunarréttur mannréttindi (2 th edn, CODEX, 2008)
- Björg Thorarensen, Stjórnskipunarréttur Mannréttindi (Codex 2008)
- Chen Boyu and Liao Da-chi, ‘Social Media, Social Movements and the
Challenge of Democratic Governability’ (Natinao Sun Yat-sen University
2014) 1 https://fsi-live.s3.us-west1.amazonaws.com/s3fs
public/chen_boyu.stanford_2014_oct_10.pdf> accessed 10th of July 2018.
- Davíð Þór Björgvinsson, ‘Beiting Hæstaréttar Íslands á lögunum um
mannréttindasáttmála Evrópu’ [2003] PL 345.
- Eiríkur Jónsson and Halldóra Þorsteinsdóttir, Fjölmiðlaréttur (Fons Juris
- Gunnar G. Schram, Stjórnskipunarréttur (Háskólaútgáfan, 1997)
- Mendes, Kaitlynn, Ringrose, Jessica and Keller Jessalynn ‘#MeToo and the
promise and pitfalls of challenging rape culture through digital feminist
activism’ (2018) 25 (2) European Journal of Women’s Studies 2018
<https://doi.org/10.1177/1350506818765318> accesed 10th of July 2018
- Páll Sigurðsson, 'Lagasjónarmið varðandi hópgöngur og útifundi' (1970) 3
Úlfljótur 207
- Smart, Nicole ‘Sexual Harrassment In The Workplace In A #MeToo World’
2017 Forbes
0/sexual-harassment-in-the-workplace-in-a-metoo-world/> accesed 10th of
July 2018
- Staggenborg, Suzanne, Social Movements (Oxford University Press 2015)
- Thorvaldur Gylfason, ‘Constitution on Ice’ (SSRN, 24 November 2014)
Supreme Court Cases
- Hrd. 812-820/2014 (Protests by Gálgahraun)
- Hrd. 802/2014
- Hrd. 65-70/1999
- Hrd. 1999, page 3386 (Good Morning America)
International Legal Research Group