Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 05.01.2015, Blaðsíða 86
F Y L G I R I T 8 2
86 LÆKNAblaðið/Fylgirit 82 2015/101
og alvarlegra æðakalkana í hálsslagæðum var 41, 59 og 83% hjá sjúk-
lingum með eðlilegan sykurbúskap, skert sykurþol og SS2. Í fjölþátta
aðhvarfsgreiningu var gagnalíkindahlutfall 2,56 (95% Cl 1,07-6,37) fyrir
meðal- til alvarlega æðakölkun í hálsslagæðum hjá sjúklingum með
skert sykurþol og 5,56 (95% Cl 1,50-24,89) hjá sjúklingum með SS2.
Ályktanir: Æðakölkun í hálsæðum var til staðar í nær öllum sjúklingum
með BKH. Magn æðakölkunar var aukin hjá sjúklingum með nýgreinda
truflun á sykurbúskap. Nýgreint skert sykurþol og SS2 er sjálfstæður
áhættuþáttur fyrir í meðallagi til alvarlega æðakölkun í hálslagæðum
hjá sjúklingum með BKH. Þessar niðurstöður styðja markvissa grein-
ingu á truflaðri sykurstjórnun hjá sjúklingum með BKH.
V 92 Blóðeitrun meðal fullburða nýbura á Landspítala árin 2010-
2011: Algengi, einkenni og áhættuþættir
Lóa Rún Björnsdóttir1, Lilja Björk Sigmundsdóttir1, Guðrún Kristjánsdóttir1, 2
1Hjúkrunarfræðideild Háskóla Íslands, 2barna- og kvennasviði Landspítala
Inngangur: Rannsóknir sýna að mikilvægt sé að vera næmur fyrir ein-
kennum og aðstæðum nýfæddra til að uppgötva í tæka tíð blóðeitranir.
Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar upplýsa um algengi skráðra tilfella blóðeitr-
unar af völdum baktería meðal fullburða nýbura á Íslandi árin 2010-
2011, skoða algengustu áhættuþætti hjá móður og barni og algengustu
skráðu einkenni nýburans.
Efniviður og aðferðir: Með afturskyggnu lýsandi rannsóknarsniði var
upplýsinga aflað úr sjúkraskrám fullburða nýbura (>37 vikur) fæddra
á árunum 2010 og 2011 sjúkdómsgreind með blóðeitrun á nýbura-
skeiði (≤ 28 dagar). Upplýsingar um áhættuþætti mæðra og þekkt
einkenni og áhættuþætti hjá nýburunum voru fengnar úr mæðraskrám.
Endanlegt úrtak var 88 nýburar fædda á Landspítala af 9383 lifandi
fæddra á Íslandi á tímabilinu, ekki náðist í 7 sjúkraskrár og þeim sleppt.
Niðurstöður: Algengi blóðeitrunar meðal fullburða nýbura á þessu
tímabili var 10 börn á 1000 lifandi fæddum. Ekkert barnanna lést
vegna blóðeitrunar. Öll börn nema eitt voru blóðræktuð og 39,8% voru
mænuræktuð. Aðeins 7 börn (7,95%) voru með staðfesta blóðræktun og
voru kóagúlasa neikvæðir stafýlókokkar algengasta bakterían. Í engu
sýni greindust bakteríur í mænuvökva. Algengustu áhættuþættirnir hjá
móður voru grænt legvatn (39,8%), hiti fyrir eða í fæðingu (25,0%), offita
(19,3%) og snemmrof á belgjum (18,2%). Algengustu áhættuþættirnir hjá
nýbura voru karlkyn (58%), fósturköfnun. Öndunarerfiðleikar (89,9%)
voru algengustu skráðu einkennin meðal nýburanna, svo erfiðleikar við
fæðugjöf (51,1%), slappleiki (45,5%), fölur húðlitur (25,0%) og pirringur
Ályktanir: Blóðeitrun meðal fullburða nýbura á Íslandi er sjaldgæf
samanborið við önnur lönd. Þörf er á framskyggnum rannsóknum á
blóðeitrunum nýbura hér á landi.
V 93 Effects of protolichesterinic acid on fatty acid synthase and
lipid composition cancer cells
Margrét Bessadóttir1,2, Finnur F. Eiríksson1,2,4, Sharon Gowan3, Suzanne Eccles3,
Sesselja Ómarsdóttir2, Margrét Þorsteinsdóttir2,4, Helga M. Ögmundsdóttir1
1Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, 2Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, University
of Iceland, 3Cancer Research UK Cancer Therapeutics Unit, The Institute of Cancer Research
London, 4ArcticMass
Introduction: (+)-Protolichesterinic acid (PA) is a lichen secondary me-
tabolite. PA has anti-proliferative effects on several types of cancer cells,
but no effect on normal skin fibroblasts. Fatty acid synthase (FASN) is
highly expressed in human carcinomas and appears to be required for
proliferation and survival. The products of FASN are generally incor-
porated into phospholipids. The chemical structure of PA is very similar
to a known FASN inhibitor, C75.
Methods and data: The effects of PA on FASN and HER2 expression in
two breast cancer cell lines, SK-BR-3 (overexpresses FASN and HER2)
and T-47D, were estimated by Immunofluorescence staining. Effects
on major signalling pathways, ERK1/2 and AKT were measured by
Meso Scale Discovery (MSD)® assay. Lipid composition in cancer cells was
evaluated by electrospray quadrupole traveling wave ion mobility time-
of-flight (Q-ToF) mass spectrometry utilizing a lipidomic approach.
Results: Treatment with PA induced FASN expression in SK-BR-3 cells
and a decrease in HER2 expression was observed at the same time along
with reduced signalling through ERK1/2 and AKT. No effects were seen
in T-47D cells. Lipidomics indicated differences in lipid composition
between SK-BR-3 and T-47D.
Conclusions: Results suggest that PA inhibits FASN activity which then
leads to a compensatory effect on FASN expression in SK-BR-3 cancer
cells. Transcriptional repression is the likely cause of decreased in HER2
expression leading to the inhibitory effects of PA on ERK1/2 and AKT
signalling pathways. Targeting lipid metabolism may be a treatment
option in breast cancer patients, particularly for HER2-positive tumours.
V 94 Obesity and risk of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
significance: A population-based study
Maríanna Þórðardóttir1, Sigrún Helga Lund1, Ebba K. Lindqvist2, Rene Costello3,
Debra Burton3, Neha Korde4, Sham Mailankody3, Guðný Eiríksdóttir5, Lenore J.
Launer6, Vilmundur Guðnason1,5, Tamara B. Harris6, Ola Landgren2,4, Sigurður Y.
1Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, 2Department of Medicine, Karolinska University
Hospital and Karolinska Institutet, 3Multiple Myeloma Section, National Cancer Institute,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, 4Myeloma Service, Division of Hematologic Oncology,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 5Icelandic Heart Association, 6National Institute on
Aging, National Institute of Health, Bethesda
Introduction: All multiple myeloma (MM) cases are preceded by an
asymptomatic condition, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
significance (MGUS). The etiology of MM and MGUS is to a large extent
unknown. Two studies on the association between obesity and MGUS
have been conducted with conflicting results, despite reported associa-
tion between obesity and MM. The aim of this study was to determine if
obesity is associated with an increased risk of conventional MGUS and
light-chain MGUS (LC-MGUS).
Methods and data: This study was based on participants from the
AGES-Reykjavik Study (n=5,764). Serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP)
and serum free light-chain assay were performed on all subjects to
identify conventional MGUS and LC-MGUS. Various obesity measures
were used for assessment. The association was analyzed using logistic
regression. Cox proportional-hazard regression was performed to test
whether progression to MM was affected by obesity.
Results: A total of 299 (5.2%) conventional MGUS cases and 33 (0.6%)
LC-MGUS cases were identified. No association was found between
any of the obesity markers and conventional MGUS (ORBMI = 0.94; 95%
CI 0.74-1.24) or LC-MGUS (ORBMI = 0.8; 95% CI 0.35-1.80). The risk of
progression from MGUS to MM was not affected by obesity (HRBMI =
1.03; 95% CI 0.93-1.15).
Conclusions: In this large population-based study we did not find an