Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1944, Síða 156

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1944, Síða 156
134 TÍMARIT ÞJÓÐRÆKNISFÉLAGS ISLENDINGA 15. febr. 1944. Prófessor Dr. Richard Beck, % Columbia Press, 695 Sargent Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Kæri Dr. Beck: Það er mikið gott til þess að vita að Þjóðræknisfélag íslendinga í Vestur- heimi skuli nú vera orðið 25 ára gamalt. Leyfi eg mér að senda því hugheilar kveðjur og óskir um áframhaldandi far- sælt starf. Nokkrir af þeim er best hafa starfaö að þjóðræknismálum hérna megin hafs- ins eru nú fallnir í valinn. Islendingar munu ætíð minnast þeirra, trygðar þeirra og drengskapar. En svo er fyrir að þakka að ungir ís- lendingar, sem hingað hafa komið til náms hafa fundið nýja kynslóð með sömu trygð, en erfiðari aðstæður. Gefur það góðar vonir um að Þjóðræknisfélag- ið eigi enn lengri starfstíma fyrir hönd- um. Megi því og Vestur-islendingum ætíð vegna vel. Með vinarkveðju, Helgi P. Briem Ottawa, Feb. 19, 1944 Professor Richard Beck, President of the Icelandic National League. My dear Professor Beck: I would be glad if you would be kind enough to extend my personal greetings to the members of the Icelandic National League when they meet at its annual convention in Winnipeg next week. This convention marks the 25th anniversary of the League and the conclusion of a long period of achievement. I am free to admit that in the earlier years of the League I had some doubts as to the wis- dom of its purposes but these doubts have long since disappeared. I have looked at the League through the eyes of a Canadian of Icelandic origin and I feel that so far as the League keeps alive in Canada the best traditions of the race from which we come it serves a splendid purpose. The future of a nation can often be seen in its past. The history of a people is the foundation upon which its future can be built and the charac- teristics of a race that have carried its people successfully through long periods of adversity give confidence to the mem- bers of it that they can meet with equal success the difficult problems of the future. As a Canadian I have always desired that our people of Icelandic origin should play their part in the life of this new nation in a manner worthy of their forefathers and I have felt for a long time that they can do this better if they have the conscious knowledge that thejy are the descendants of men and women who had great qualities of heart and mind and proved the value of such qualities. In keeping alive Icelandic traditions of this sort the League serves a great purpose for the members of h who are Canadians. It serves a similar purpose for those members who are citi- zens of the great republic to the south of us and thus creates an additional bond between two countries. I am proud of my honorary member- ship in the League and deeply interested in its purposes and activities. I extend my heartiest congratulations to its mem- bers on their great work of the past and my warmest wishes for continued suc- cess in the future. Will you please con- vey this message to my friends and fel" low members of the Icelandic National League. Yours very sincerely, J. T. Thorson Árnaðaróskir til ÞjóðræknisfélagsinS á 25. ára afmæli þess, í febr. 1944. Heilladagur var það okkur Vestur- íslendingum þegar við fyrir 25 árum síðan,' komum saman i Winnipeg til að stofna Þjóðræknisfélag íslendinga Vesturheimi. Af hinum mörgu félögun' okkar hér vestra hefir þetta félag reynst að ýmsu leyti hið veigamesta og giftu' drýgsta um fjórðungs aldar skeið. Meg> andi þeirrar giftu og góðrar frændsem' hvíla yfir þessum afmælisdegi og vernda félagið frá öllu illu langt fram í ókomin ár. Albert E. Kristjánsson
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Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga

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