Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.02.2012, Page 38
S n o r r i Pá l l J ó n s s o n Ú l f h i l d a r s o n
38 TMM 2012 · 1
9 Noam Chomsky: „What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream“, fyrirlestur við Z Media
Institute, 1997. Fyrirlesturinn má nálgast á http://theanarchistlibrary.org/HTML/Noam_
Chomsky__What_Makes_Mainstream_Media_Mainstream.html [sótt 13. janúar 2012].
10 Í heimildamyndinni Enjoy Poverty (2008) ferðast hollenski listamaðurinn Renzo Martens til
Austur-Kongó þar sem hann meðal annars hvetur fátæka heimamenn til að berjast ekki gegn
fátækt heldur læra frekar að gera hana að vörumerki sínu og hagnast á henni. Hann ræðir við
fulltrúa UNICEF (Barnahjálp Sameinuðu þjóðanna) og spyr hvers vegna vörumerki UNICEF
og UNHCR (Flóttamannaaðstoð S.Þ.) eru á tjöldum sem stofnanirnar dreifa í f lóttamanna-
búðum. Svarið er einfalt: „Sýnileiki“.
11 Nýlega hafa komið út tvær bækur um óeirðirnar í Grikklandi í desember 2008. Antonis Vradis
og Dimitris Dalakoglu (ritstj.): Revolt and Crisis in Greece: Between a Present Yet to Pass and a
Future Still to Come, Occupied London og AK Press, London 2011. Void Network, Tasos Sagris
og A.G. Schwarz (ritstj.): We are an Image from the Future: : The Greek Revolt of December 2008,
AK Press, London, 2010.
12 Sjá t.d. Dom Rotheroe og Nav Kandola: „The English riots: people, police and politicians“, Al
Jazeera, 12. október 2011, http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/peopleand power/2011/10/
201110127328637271.html [sótt 13. janúar 2012].
13 George W. Bush: „The President‘s News Conference“, 11. október 2001, http://frwebgate1.
access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/TEXTgate.cgi?WAISdocID=bINE3k/0/1/0&WAISaction=retrieve [sótt
13. janúar 2012]. Bush sagði: „We cannot let the terrorists achieve the objective of frightening
our nation to the point where we don‘t conduct business, where people don‘t shop.“
14 Boris Johnson: „London can – and will – come back from all this”, London Evening Standard,
9. ágúst 2011.
15 Nina Power: „There is a context to London‘s riots that can‘t be ignored“, Guardian.co.uk, 8.
ágúst 2011, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/aug/08/context-london-riots [sótt
13. janúar 2012].
16 Heimilislausir menn í Englandi deyja að meðaltali 30 árum fyrr en þeir sem eiga þak yfir höf-
uðið. Sjálfsmorðstíðni er níu sinnum hærri hjá þeim fyrrnefndu en hinum síðarnefndu. Sjá t.d.
„Homeless people in the UK revealed to die aged just 47“, Guardian.co.uk, 21. desember 2011,
http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/dec/21/homeless-people-life-expectancy-47 [sótt 13.
janúar 2012].
17 Sjá t.d. „On the trail of George Orwell’s outcasts“, BBC News, Paris and London, 6. ágúst 2011,
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14372195 [sótt 13. janúar 2012].
18 Sjá t.d. „Tesco: Supermarket superpower“, BBC Money Programme, 3. júní 2005, http://news.
bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/4605115.stm [sótt 13. janúar 2012].
19 Victor Kibalchich: „Two Men“, l,anarchie, París 1911. Tilvitnun sótt í Richard Parry: The
Bonnot Gang, Rebel Press, London 1987, bls. 49–51.
20 „Heroes or anarchists? The 1981 Brixton riots are now being hailed by the Left as a heroic
uprising. The truth is rather different“, Mail Online, 16. apríl 2011, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/
The-truth-different.html [sótt 13. janúar 2012]. Thatcher sagði: „What aggravated the riots
into a virtual saturnalia was the impression gained by the rioters that they could enjoy a fiesta
of crime, looting and rioting in the guise of social protest. They felt they had been absolved in
advance. These are precisely the circumstances in which young men riot, and riot again.“
21 Richard Parry: The Bonnot Gang, bls. 49–51.
22 „Theresa May: The lessons I learned from the report on the summer riots“, Mail Online. May
sagði: „The riots weren’t about protest, unemployment or cuts. They weren’t about the future,
about tomorrow and a person’s place in the world. They were about today, about now. They were
about instant gratification. Here is what some of the rioters had to say in the report: ‘It wasn’t
political, it was shopping.’ ‘iPhones! Xboxes! Everything! You can get whatever you want!’“
23 Frasar úr auglýsingum sem birtust við hlið umfjöllunar Evening Standard af óeirðunum í ágúst