Tímarit Máls og menningar

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.02.2012, Side 39

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.02.2012, Side 39
E l d a r o g e n d u r t e k n i n g a r í a l d i n g a r ð i n u m TMM 2012 · 1 39 24 „Dreamy […] Like nothing to do and all day to do it.“ Úr auglýsingu Lundúnaaugans (London Eye) í breskum dagblöðum, dagana um og upp úr óeirðunum. 25 „England riots 2011 were a chance for young people to get ‘free stuff ’“, Mail Online, 8. nóvem- ber 2011, http://m.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2057492/England-riots-2011-chance-young- people-free-stuff.html [sótt 13. janúar 2012]. 26 Sjá t.d. „Young, poor and unemployed: the true fact of England‘s rioters“, The Guardian, 19. ágúst 2011, bls. 4–5. 27 Stóran hluta rannsóknarinnar má sjá á „Reading the Riots: Investigating England‘s summer of disorder“, Guardian.co.uk, http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/series/reading-the-riots [sótt 13. janúar 2012]. 28 „The Protester“, TIME, 14. desember 2011, http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/a rticle/0,28804,2101745_2102132_2102373,00.html [sótt 13. janúar 2012]. Í greininni segir: „Naturally, the rioters‘ instantly resorting to violence attracted little sympathy. Yet a new, three-month study by the Guardian and the London School of Economics concluded that these rioters were also protesters, motivated by anger about poverty, unemployment and inequality as well as overaggressive policing.“ 29 Sjá t.d. „Q&A: The Scarman Report“, BBC News, 27. apríl 2004, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/ programmes/bbc_parliament/3631579.stm [sótt 27. janúar 2012]. 30 „Thirty years after Brixton“, Guardian, 9. ágúst 2011. 31 „Theresa May: The lessons I learned from the report on the summer riots“. May sagði: „One rioter interviewed by the academics said the police are always ‘causing us hell’. In my role as Home Secretary, I can only say: ‘Good.’ These are exactly the sort of people the police should be targeting.“ 32 Haukur Már Helgason hefur fjallað um brottsendingar yfirvalda á flóttamönnum sem sorp- hirðu ríkisins: „Ruslið í ríkinu“, Vísir, 19. október 2009, http://www.visir.is/ruslid-i-rikinu/ article/2009831436349 [sótt 27. janúar 2012]. 33 Sjá t.d. „Mayhem engulfs London“, The Guardian, 9. ágúst 2011, bls. 3. Í fréttinni segir: „Deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, visiting Tottenham yesterday, said the violence would leave “big scars” on the community.“ 34 „Heroes or anarchists? The 1981 Brixton riots are now being hailed by the Left as a heroic uprising. The truth is rather different“, Mail Online. Í greininni segir: „There had been no such event in English memory.“ 35 „Rioting has been a London tradition for centuries“, The Independent, 22. ágúst 2011, bls. 18–19. Í viðtalinu er Ackroyd sagður vera „the greatest living chronicler of London“. 36 „Rioting has been a London tradition for centuries“, The Independent. 37 „Voluntary curfew“ er hugtak sem birtist víða í fjölmiðlum á meðan á óeirðunum stóð. Á meðan konunglega brúðkaupinu stóð voru svartir sauðir samfélagsins beðnir um að halda sig heima og voru þeir sem ekki hlýddu handteknir. Sjá t.d. „Royal wedding: Police arrest 55 around security zone“, BBC News UK, 29. apríl 2011, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-13240683 [sótt 13. janúar 2012]. Á meðan óeirðunum stóð báðu yfirvöld „heiðarlegt fólk“ um að halda sig heima svo lögreglan gæti unnið vinnu sína í friði. Sjá t.d. Tim Godwin: „We won‘t allow the rioters to get away with it“, Evening Standard, 9. ágúst 2011, bls. 14. 38 Guy Debord: The Decline and Fall of the Spectacle-Commodity Economy. Debord segir: „What American blacks are really daring to demand is the right to really live, and in the final analysis this requires nothing less than the total subversion of this society. This becomes increasingly evident as blacks in their everyday lives find themselves forced to use increasingly subversive methods. “ 39 Michail Bakunin: God and The State, Dover Publications, New York 1970, bls. 10. Bakunin segir: „But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker.“
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