
Jökull - 01.01.2021, Blaðsíða 55

Jökull - 01.01.2021, Blaðsíða 55
Bedrock and tephra layer topography within the Katla caldera Figure 7. a) Ice thickness map of the study area calculated using the glacier surface in September 2019. b) Static water potential at the glacier bed, revealed as a greyscale image and a contour map (100 kPa contour interval equivalent to 10 m of hydrostatic head), calculated from the new bedrock DEM and glacier surface in Septem- ber 2019. Blue lines show water divides between the labelled drainage basins, obtained from the potential map. The locations of cauldrons within different water drainage basins are shown. The red coloured image on top of the potential map indicates depth and size of closed depressions in the potential map forming local minima. – Ísþykktar- (a) og vatnsmættiskort m.v. að jökull liggi á botni með fullu ísfargi (b) reiknað út frá jökulbotni (6. mynd) og jökulyfirborði í september 2019. Jafnmættislínur á mynd (b) eru með 100 kPa millibili (jafngildi 10 m hárrar vatnsssúlu). Bláar línur (b) sýna vatnaskil milli helstu vatnasviða samkvæmt vatnsmættiskorti og þar með hvaða sigkatlar falla innan hvers vatnasviðs. Rauðskalamyndin sem felld er ofan á mynd (b) sýnir stærð og dýpi lokaðra lægða í vatnsmættiskorti. layer was close to the glacier bed the migration of both the 2D and 3D data was repeated with all reflections likely to originate from the glacier bed masked out in the input data before the tephra layer reflections were traced. This was done due to limitations of the mi- gration method, which in some cases produces weak artificial signals propagating upwards from the rela- tively strong bed reflections. This artefact was not a problem when tracing the bedrock reflections, but in some cases, it obscured the much weaker internal re- flections near the bed. The masking was done by cal- culating for each survey point the distance from the transmitter to the nearest point in the final bedrock DEM and back to the receiver and the corresponding travel time, tbed_nearest (with cgl=1.68× 108 m s−1) and then replacing all backscatter values with travel time >(tbed_nearest -1× 10−7 s) with 0. Assuming that the final bedrock DEM is accurate this should only leave internal backscatter originating >∼10 m above the glacier bed. When tracing reflections from the deeper tephra layer and parts of the 1918 tephra layer, the tracing algorithm described above proved ineffi- cient due to a low signal to noise ratio, causing the au- tomatic tracing to fail repeatedly even though it could be traced from visual inspection. In those cases the tracing was carried out with manual digitization. The traced tephra reflections in the 2D migrated data, were filtered and subsampled to values at 20 m intervals along the profile while the traced reflec- tion from the 3D-migrated data was used unfiltered. JÖKULL No. 71, 2021 53
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