Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 05.01.2015, Side 47

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 05.01.2015, Side 47
X V I I V Í S I N D A R Á Ð S T E F N A H Í F Y L G I R I T 8 2 LÆKNAblaðið/Fylgirit 82 2015/101 47 þurrki og hefur í kjölfar þess misst allar eigin tennur. Efniviður og aðferðir: Títan implönt voru sett í kjálkabein beggja kjálka og hefðbundnar brýr úr kóbalt-króm málmi með akrýltönnum voru skrúfaðar fastar á implöntin. Þessar brýr eru gerðar úr þremur efnum sem fest eru saman, þ.e. málmhluta, plasttönnum og akrýlati. Sjúklingurinn byrjaði að brjóta brýrnar strax daginn eftir að hann fékk seinni brúnna. Í þessu tilfelli voru þessi brot mjög tíð. Tennur brotnuðu úr brúm beggja kjálka, en oftast brotnuðu framtennur neðri góms sem höfðu engar snertingar í biti eða í hliðarhreyfingum. Greinilegt var því að sjúklingur notaði tennurnar við daglegar athafnir vegna fötlunar sinnar. Þetta mikla álag leiddi til þess að málmgrind neðri brúarinnar brotnaði að lokum. Tekin var sú ákvörðun að smíða nýjar brýr í munn sjúklings eingöngu úr kóbalt-króm málmi, þannig að engin samskeyti eru á milli ólíkra efna. Niðurstöður: Brýrnar nýtast sjúklingnum mjög vel og hafa ekki komið upp nein vandamál á þeim tæplega fjórum árum sem liðin eru síðan hann fékk brýrnar. Ályktanir: Þessi meðferð reyndist vel í þessu tilfelli þar sem sjúklingur var ekki að huga að útlitinu fyrst og fremst heldur virkni brúnna. Erfitt er að segja til um horfur meðferðarinnar þar sem ekki er vitað til að þessi meðferð hafi verið veitt áður. E 127 Effects of prognostic factors and treatment on survival in BRCA2 mutation carriers Laufey Tryggvadóttir1,2, Elínborg J. Ólafsdóttir1, Guðríður H. Ólafsdóttir1, Kristín K. Alexíusdóttir1,3, Hrefna Stefánsdóttir1, Ólafur A. Stefánsson4, Vigdís Stefánsdóttir, Kristrún Ólafsdóttir5, Bjarni A. Agnarsson2,5, Steven A. Narod6, Rósa B. Barkardóttir2,5, Jórunn E. Eyfjörð2,4, Helgi Sigurðsson2,3, Óskar T. Jóhannsson2,3, Jón G. Jónasson1,2,5 1Icelandic Cancer Registry, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, 3Department of Oncology, Landspítali University Hospital, 4Cancer Research Laboratory, Biomedical Centre, University of Iceland, 5Department of Pathology, Landspítali University Hospital, 6Womens’ College Research Institute, University of Toronto laufeyt@krabb.is Introduction: Mutations in the BRCA2 gene are associated with a highly increased risk of breast cancer. Around 1000 mutation carriers are di- agnosed with breast cancer in the Nordic countries each year. However, little is known of specific effects of prognostic factors and treatment on survival among those patients. Methods and data: We compared the risk of breast cancer-specific death according to treatment and status of prognostic factors between 288 female patients carrying an Icelandic BRCA2 founder mutation and 623 noncarriers diagnosed in 1935-2013. Hazard ratios (HRs) were es- timated for breast cancer-specific death using Cox regression. Results: A positive versus negative ER status was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer death (univariate analysis) among mutation carriers (HR=1.64 (0.95-2.84)) contrary to noncarriers (HR=0.60 (0.47-1.12)), p=0.02 for interaction. Tumour grade 1 was also associated with an increased risk of death among mutation carriers, as compared with grades 2 and 3, contrary to noncarriers. BRCA2 mutation carriers had an increased risk of breast cancer death compared with noncarriers (HR=1.60 (1.14-2.23)) after adjusting for year of birth and diagnosis, tumour size, nodal stage, ER and PR receptors. In the subgroup receiv- ing adjuvant chemotherapy this risk difference disappeared (HR = 1.16 (0.73-1.84)), but not in the subgroup receiving hormone therapy (HR= 1.92 (1.02-3.60)). Conclusions: A positive ER status and low grade predict adverse outcome among mutation carriers. Mutation carriers respond well to chemotherapy but it is not clear whether treatment with adjuvant horm- ones is beneficial. E 128 Bioactive properties of fucoidan from laminaria toward THP-1 macrophages Magdalena M. Stefaniak1, Guðrún Marteinsdóttir2, Ólafur E. Sigurjónsson3, Kristberg Kristbergsson1 1Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Iceland, 2Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland, 3Blood Bank, Landspítali University Hospital kk@hi.is Introduction: Brown seaweeds are large group of marine algae that include the kelps (Laminaria spp.). These contain fucans (fucoidans) that are a group of anionic polysaccharides that exclusively occur in brown seaweeds. They are heteroglycans containing L – fucose units. The monosaccharide composition and chemical properties differs between seaweed species. Recent research data show that fucoidan has amazing benefits when it comes to mending several health related issues. The aim is to test bioactive properties of fucoidan and describe its function in relation to macrophages. Methods and data: Human leukemia monocytic cell line (THP-1) was used to investigate bioactivity of fucoidan from Laminaria. Fucoidan was applied to PMA differentiated THP – 1 derived macrophages follo- wed by 24 h incubations. Cells were mechanically harvested and sonica- ted. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) was determined for cell lysates. Cytotoxicity of fucoidan was assessed by light microscopy followed by XTT proliferation assay. Enzyme-linked immunosorbant assays (ELISA) were performed to determine concentrations of IL-10, TNF-α and IL-6 to confirm or exclude bioactivity of fucoidan. Results: Expression of tumor necrosis factor – α (TNF-α) was triggered even at all concentrations, including the lowest concentrations of fuco- idan (0.1 µg/ml). Expression of interleukin – 6 (IL – 6) and iterleukin – 10 (IL – 10) started at 10 µg/ml fucoidan. Viability of cells was overall good, except for the highest concentration of fucoidan (100µg/ml). Macrophages treated with fucoidan did not show decreased values for ORAC compared to control group which may suggest antioxidant properties of fucoidan. Fucoidan seemed to reduce oxidative stress in macrophages caused by generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by activated macrophages. ROS are recognized apoptotic mediators and therefore fucoidan application may be considered as preventive in programmed cell death. Conclusions: The aim of this study was to investigate bioactive properties of fucoidan from laminaria (Laminaria digitata and Laminaria hyperborea). Fucoidan proved to be antioxidant compoun d that is safe toward macrophages at lower concentrations. Bioactivity of the fucoidan was confirmed by the expression of cytokines suggests imm- unomodulatory actions of fucoidan. Fucoidan may be considered as an apoptotic inhibitor due to its antioxidant properties. E 129 Leit að áhrifabreytingum í erfðaefni fjölskyldna með háa tíðni brjóstakrabbameins Anna Marzellíusardóttir1, Inga Reynisdóttir1,2, Aðalgeir Arason1,2, Laufey Ámundadóttir3, Guðrún Jóhannesdóttir1, Rósa B. Barkardóttir1,2 1Frumulíffræðideild, rannsóknastofu í meinafræði, Landspítala, 2BMC, læknadeild Háskóla Íslands, 3Laboratory of Translational Genomics, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health annamar@landspitali.is
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Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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