Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 05.01.2015, Síða 54

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 05.01.2015, Síða 54
X V I I V Í S I N D A R Á Ð S T E F N A H Í F Y L G I R I T 8 2 54 LÆKNAblaðið/Fylgirit 82 2015/101 heldur ekki aukin. Því virðist ekki ástæða til þess hætta notkun þessar lyfja fyrir hjartaaðgerð. E 149 Expired and pathogen inactivated platelets support differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells Sandra Mjöll Jónsdóttir-Buch1,2, Hildur Sigurgrímsdóttir1,2, Ramona Lieder1, Ólafur Eysteinn Sigurjónsson1,2,3 1The Blood Bank, Landspítali University Hospital, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, 3School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavík University oes@ru.is Introduction: Platelet lysates have been reported as suitable cell culture supplement for cultures of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). The dem- and for safe and animal-free cultures of MSCs is linked to the potential application of MSCs in clinics. We have previously demonstrated that expired platelet concentrates may represent a good source of platelets for lysate production without competing with blood banks for platelet donors. Pathogen inactivation treatment of platelet concentrates allows for prolonged storage up to 7 days and has therefore been implemented in blood processing facilities worldwide. In this study, we evaluated the suitability of INTERCEPT treated, expired platelet concentrates, processed into platelet lysates, for the culture of MSCs compared to non- treated expired platelets. Methods and data: Bone marrow-derived MSCs were cultured in media supplemented with either platelet lysates from traditionally prepared expired platelet concentrates or in platelet lysates from expired and pathogen inactivated platelet concentrates. The effects of pathogen inactivation on the ability of the platelets to support MSCs in culture were determined by evaluating MSC immunomodulation, immunop- henotype, proliferation and trilineage differentiation. Results: Platelet lysates prepared from expired and pathogen inactiva- ted platelet concentrates supported MSC differentiation and immunos- uppression better as compared to traditionally prepared platelet lysates from expired platelet units. Pathogen inactivation of platelets with the INTERCEPT system prior to use in MSC culture had no negative effects on MSC immunophenotype or proliferation. Conclusions: The use of expired pathogen inactivated platelet units from blood banks to prepare platelet lysates for the culture of MSCs is desirable and attainable. E 150 Dánartíðni og sjálfsvíg stuttu eftir útskrift heim af bráðadeild Vilhjálmur Rafnsson1, Oddný S. Gunnarsdóttir2 1Rannsóknastofu í heilbrigðisfræði, læknadeild Háskóla Íslands, 2vísindadeild Landspítala vilraf@hi.is Inngangur: Rannsókn með stuttum fylgitíma sýndi að einkennagreining á bráðadeild tengist lágri dánartíðni. Markmiðið með framskyggnri rannsókn var að rannsaka dánartíðni innan 8, 15 og 30 daga eftir útskrift heim af bráðasviði Landspítalans. Efniviður og aðferðir: Heildarkomur sjúklinga sem útskrifaðir voru heim af bráðadeild (ekki innlagðir á legudeild) voru 227.097 á árunum 2002-2008, skráðar voru kennitölur, kyn, aldur, komudagur og ein aðal sjúkdómsgreining. Upplýsingar um dánarmein voru fengnar úr skrám Hagstofunnar með samtengingu á kennitölum. Komurnar voru flokk- aðar eftir sjúkdómsgreiningum í einkennagreiningar (ICD-10, R-kótar) og aðrar greiningar. Dánartíðni á 100,000 innan 8, 15 og 30 daga, og tilheyrandi hættuhlutföll (HR) og 95% öryggismörk (CI) voru reiknuð fyrir öll dánarmein og ákveðin önnur dánarmein. Niðurstöður: HR vegna allra dánarmeina meðal sjúklinga með einkenn- agreiningu var 0,64 (95% CI 0,41-1,01) innan átta daga, 0,70 (95% CI 0,50-0,99) innan 15 daga og 0,82 (95% CI 0,65-1,04) innan 30 daga borið saman við þá með aðrar greiningar. HR innan 30 daga meðal þeirra með einkennagreiningu við útskrift var 1,48 (95% CI 1,03-2,13) vegna krabbameina, 3,72 (95% CI 1,44-9,60) vegna sjálfsvíga og 0,50 (95% CI 0,32-0,79) vegna sjúkdóma í blóðrásarkerfi. Ályktanir: Dauði innan 8 daga frá útskrift var sjaldgæfur atburður. Andlát sjúklings, stuttu eftir útskrift, sem fengið hafði einkennagrein- ingu, bendir til að sjúkdómsástand hans hafi ekki verið að fullu rétt skilið við útskrift. Stefnumunurinn á lágri heildardánartíðni og hárri dánartíðni vegna sjálfsvíga er vísbending um þetta. Lág dánartíðni vegna sjúkdóma í blóðrásarkerfi bendir til þess að þeir séu rétt greindir á bráðadeildinni. E 151 Metabolomic analysis of platelets during storage Giuseppe Paglia1, Ólafur E. Sigurjónsson2,3, Óttar Rolfsson1, Morten Bagge Hansen4, Sigurður Brynjólfsson1, Sveinn Guðmundsson2, Bernhard Ö. Pálsson1 1Center for Systems Biology, University of Iceland, 2Blood Bank, Landspítali University Hospital, 3School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavík University, 4Department of Clinical Immunology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital oes@ru.is Introduction: Platelet concentrates (PCs) may be prepared using three methods; platelet rich plasma, aphaeresis and buffy coat. The aim of this study was to obtain a comprehensive dataset that describes metabolism of buffy coat derived platelets during storage and to compare it with a previously published parallel dataset obtained for aphaeresis-derived platelets. Methods and data: During storage we measured more than 150 parame- ters in 8 platelet units, prepared by the buffy coat method. Samples were collected at 7 different time points resulting in a dataset containing more than 8,000 measurements. This dataset was obtained by combining a series of standard quality control assays in order to monitor the quality of stored platelets and a deep coverage metabolomics study using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Results: Stored platelets showed a distinct metabolic transition occurr- ing four days after their collection. The transition was evident in platelet produced by both production methods. Aphaeresis derived platelets showed a clearer phenotype of platelet activation during early days of storage. The activated phenotype of aphaeresis PLTs was accompanied by a higher metabolic activity; especially related to glycolysis and the TCA cycle. Moreover, the extent of the activation differed between bags resulting in inter-bag variability in the storage lesion of aphaeresis prepared PLTs. This may be related to donor related polymorphism. Conclusions: This study demonstrated two discrete metabolic phenoty- pes in stored platelets prepared with both aphaeresis and buffy coat methods. Platelet activation occurs during the first metabolic phenotype and might lead to a low reproducibility of the aphaeresis PCs.
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