Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1965, Side 47

Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1965, Side 47
HJARTA DREPR STALL 45 one other source;23 the dative is in accordance with the above cited variant e-m drepur hjarta í stall. 10) From Modern Icelandic I know one more variant of the phrase in question, i.e., stál er drepið úr e-m ‘somebody has lost heart’: Auk þess var þá allt stál drepið úr Tyrkjum. og hann hefir í hvorugt skiptið grunað, að stál væri þá þegar svo drepið úr höfuðkempunum í hans flokki, sem síðar gaf raun á.24 II We have already seen the most important instances to be found in Icelandic literature of the phrase in question. I think it worth while now to discuss the attempts which have been made to explain its origin. The first attempt I know is that of Skúli Þórðarson Thorlacius.25 Thorlacius was an Icelander who was headmaster of the Metropoli- tanskolen in Copenhagen at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. Thorlacius wrote inter alia a treatise on Þórsdrápa.26 In the strophe from Þórsdrápa (cf. I. 2) he alters the akarn of the text to á korn and thus gets the phrase drepa á slall and with a greater, 23 Norðanfari XVII, 20: “þá drap Vermundi stall úr hjarta, fjell um háls henni og hað hana vera hjá sjer.” This, however, is a somewhat douhtful ex- ample, as Vermundi may be a dat. sympathet. with hjarta. 24 Skírnir 1878, 24, and 1887, 135, respectively. The author of hoth passages is Eiríkur Jónsson, the lexicographer. 25 Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík (1705—79) mentions the phrase in his Ice- landic-Latin Dictionary (AM 433, fol., under drepa): hjartat drepr Stall, ad v. cor ad basin alliditur, pro pavescit, hönum drepr Stall, expavescit (Þórsdr.). This can hardly be looked upon as an explanation of the phrase. Most likely Thorlacius has known this comment. 26 Published in his Antiquitatum borealium observationes miscellaneœ. Specimen septimum.
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