Tímarit Máls og menningar

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.09.2017, Síða 96

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.09.2017, Síða 96
A l d a B j ö r k Va l d i m a r s d ó t t i r  96 TMM 2017 · 3 sylvania Press, 2003, bls. 73. Regis kallar 8. kaflann „The Best Romance Novel ever Written. Pride and Prejudice, 1813“. 21 Susannah Fullerton, Happily Ever After. Celebrating Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, London: Frances Lincoln Limited, 2013, bls. 73: „Mills and Boon, written by a genius.“ 22 Jan Cohn, Romance and the Erotics of Property, Mass-Market Fiction for Women, Durham og London: Duke University Press, 1988, bls. 26–27. 23 Jan Cohn, Romance and the Erotics of Property, bls. 33–34. 24 Doreen Owens Malek, „Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know. The Hero as Challenge“, Dangerous Men and Adventurous Women. Romance Writers on the Appeal of the Romance, ritstj. Jayne Ann Krentz, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992, bls. 75. 25 Jayne Ann Krentz, „Trying to Tame the Romance. Critics and Correctness“, Dangerous Men and Adventurous Women, bls. 113. 26 Doreen Owens Malek, „Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know. The Hero as Challenge“, Dangerous Men and Adventurous Women, bls. 77. 27 Jane Austen, „To Fanny Knight“, 23.-25. mars 1817, Jane Austen’s Letters. 28 Suzanne Ferriss og Mallory Young, „Introduction“. Chick Lit. The New Woman’s Fiction, ritstj. Suzanne Ferriss og Mallory Young, New York og London: Routledge, 2006, bls. 4. 29 Helen Fielding, Dagbók Bridget Jones, þýð. Sigríður Halldórsdóttir, Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 1998, bls. 20. 30 Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey, London: Penguin Book, 1995, bls. 13 (eigin þýðing). 31 Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey, bls. 13. 32 Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey, bls. 13. 33 Helen Fielding, Dagbók Bridget Jones, þýð. Sigríður Halldórsdóttir, Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 1998, bls. 192. 34 Jane Austen, Hroki og hleypidómar, bls. 296. 35 Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth. How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women, New York: Harper Perennial, 2002, bls. 10. 36 André Lefevere, „Why Waste Our Time on Rewrites: The Trouble with Interpretation and the Role of Rewriting in an Alternative Paradigm“, The Manipulation of Literature: Studies in Literary Translation, ritstj. Theo Hermans, London: Croom Helm, 1985.
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