
Jökull - 01.01.2021, Page 59

Jökull - 01.01.2021, Page 59
Bedrock and tephra layer topography within the Katla caldera lighted by the new bedrock DEM. Topographic fea- tures such as rows of peaks with north-north-westerly and northerly directions were visible in the old DEM (Figure 2b). These features, which may be formed during fissure eruptions within the caldera are re- vealed in more detail in the new DEM (Figure 9). Five ice cauldrons are clustered along one of these lines. The caldera rim has approximately elliptical form with its major axis aligned from south-east to north-west splitting the caldera into the north-eastern and the south-western halves. The more rugged and elevated terrain in the south-western half, compared with the substantially deeper north-eastern half, was attributed to higher eruption rate, since the volcano became ice covered (Björnsson et al., 2000). These topographic characteristics, now even more clearly defined by the new bedrock DEM, also raise the ques- tion whether the Katla caldera is a single caldera for- mation or if smaller caldera formations exist within the main caldera. The most conspicuous candidate is a large depression defined by the main north caldera rim and the steep mountainside with up to 200 m topographic relief that is aligned east-south-east and crosses the centre of the main caldera. The sug- gested sub-caldera, outlined in Figure 9, has an area of ∼45 km2, corresponding to almost half the main caldera area. If we assume this sub-caldera was formed during a caldera collapse event (or repeated events) overprinting the large main caldera the vol- ume of the sub-caldera formation can be estimated by studying how much the mean elevation of the sub- caldera floor (∼820 m asl) differ from the mean eleva- tion of the main caldera floor when the suggested sub- caldera is excluded (∼930 m asl). This correspond to a volume of 5 km3. The suggested sub-caldera for- mation is situated above the Katla magma chamber as inferred from seismic undershooting (Guðmunds- son et al., 1994). Another possible sub-caldera forma- tion is ∼5 km2 depression between K6, K7 and K19 slightly south of the caldera centre (Figure 9). It is ∼250 m deep relative to its surroundings and is close to a suggested location of the 1755 Katla eruption site (Björnsson et al., 2000). Thirteen out of the 20 estab- lished ice cauldron locations are close to the rims of these two suggested caldera formations. The new bedrock DEM also reveals some pre- viously unknown topographic features. The most prominent of those are sharp depressions near Goðabunga at the west-rim of the caldera (area out- lined with dashed white line in Figure 9). The de- pressions are up to 250 m deep and partly surrounded with 100–200 m high cliff faces. These structures, which do not align with likely glacier motion along the glacier surface slope, do not resemble features carved by glacier erosion. It is more likely that they are either a complex set of ridges formed by eruptions beneath the glacier or collapse structures. To better understand the nature of these features a denser RES- survey of this area is required for further improving the bedrock DEM of this area, ideally with 3D migra- tion since these steep wall structures are hard to map accurately from 2D migrated RES-data. An example of topographic mapping of similar structures is shown in Figure 10 where 3D migration reveals a ∼200 m high cliff face of a mountain east of K9. This cliff is not formed by glacier erosion since it opposes the ice flow from a higher part of the glacier south-west of the mountain. This mountain, which is the most promi- nent feature in a previously mentioned row of peaks (Figure 9) is likely formed by an eruption and further carved by ice-volcano interactions. This area was ini- tially surveyed with dense profiling allowing 3D mi- gration as it was assumed to be likely location of the 1918 eruption. However, recent work (Gudmundsson et al., 2021; Larsen and Högnadóttir, 2021) locates the main eruption site of 1918 to be ∼1 km east of this area, which was densely surveyed with RES in May 2021 (see Addendum). DEMs from 3D versus 2D migrated RES-data The DEMs obtained from 3D migrated RES-data highlights the limitation of 2D migrated data in areas of steep and rugged bedrock topography. Such a com- parison is given in Figure 5 showing the difference be- tween results from 2D migrated RES-survey carried out in the spring 2016 around K6 and from 3D mi- grated survey carried out in spring and autumn 2017. The 2D migrated bed traces are on average ∼10 m higher, with ∼20 m standard deviation of the eleva- tion difference, when compared with the 3D migrated DEM (Figure 5c). Similarly, when a bedrock DEM JÖKULL No. 71, 2021 57
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