
Jökull - 01.01.2021, Side 60

Jökull - 01.01.2021, Side 60
Magnússon et al. Figure 10. A close up of the area around K16, K9 and K17 (shown with a blue box in a) showing 3D representa- tion of the glacier surface (in September 2016) and bedrock (b). The magenta coloured cluster on the surface 3D image, indicates location of traced bedrock reflections from the 3D migrated RES-data. The corresponding area is outlined with a dashed black line on the 3D bedrock image. The RES-survey of K9 and K17 in 2019 focused on the area considered in Björnsson et al., (2000) as the location of the 1918 eruption, orange dash lined circle in (a) and (b). More recent study (Gudmundsson et al., 2021) however locates the eruption further east (orange dot lined ellipse in a and b). Large part of that area was surveyed with dense RES-profiling in May 2021 (more info on Figure 12). c) 3D migrated RES-profile crossing a mountain west of K9 (profile location from A to B shown in b) revealing 250 m high cliffs on the west side of the mountain (dashed magenta line indicates traced bed reflections). The RES-profile (c) and the 3D images (b) are without vertical exaggeration. – Nærmynd af svæðinu nærri kötlum 16, 9 og 17 (afmarkað með bláu boxi á mynd (a)) sem þrívíddarmynd af jökulyfirborði og botni (b). Purpurarauðu skellurnar á yfirborðinu sýna staðsetningar greindra botnendurkasta í íssjársniðum unnar með þrívíðri staðsetningarleiðréttingu á endurkastsflötum. Tilsvarandi svæði er sýnt með svartri brota- línu á botni. Íssjármæling umhverfis katlana vorið 2019 beindist að svæði sem talið var gosstöðvarnar 1918 (Helgi Björnsson o.fl., 2000) innan hringlaga appelsínugulrar brotalínu á myndum (a) og (b). Samkvæmt nýrri rannsókn (Magnús T. Guðmundsson o.fl., 2021) voru gosstöðvarnar líklega að mestu bundnar við svæði nokkru austar, innan sporbaugslaga appelsínugulrar punktalínu á myndum (a) og (b) en stór hluti þess svæðis var mældur í maí 2021 (sjá 12. mynd). c) Íssjársnið með þrívíðri staðsetningarleiðréttingu, yfir fjall vestur af katli 9 (frá A til B á b), sýnir um 250 m háa hamra í vesturhlíðum fjallsins (purpurarauð brotalína afmarkar greind botnendurköst). Bæði þrívíddarmyndin (b) og sniðið (c) eru án hæðarýkingar. created by kriging interpolation from 2D migrated bed traces is compared to the 3D migrated DEM, the dif- ference is also on average ∼10 m higher with ∼20 m standard deviation (Figure 5d). Most of this differ- ence can be related to the previously mentioned lim- itation of the 2D migrated data (see Data and Meth- ods), caused by cross-track bed reflections interpreted as being located directly beneath the radar, while the actual bed at the same location is often tens of metres lower (up to 100 m for the data shown in Figure 5). The main exception, where the limitation of the 2D migrated data does not explain this, is at the location 58 JÖKULL No. 71, 2021
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