
Jökull - 01.01.2021, Side 71

Jökull - 01.01.2021, Side 71
Bedrock and tephra layer topography within the Katla caldera Jóhannesson, T., H. Björnsson, E. Magnússon, S. Guðmundsson, F. Pálsson, O. Sigurðsson, T. Thorsteinsson and E. Berthier 2013. Ice-volume changes, bias-estimation of mass-balance mea- surements and changes in subglacial water bodies derived by lidar mapping of the surface of Ice- landic glaciers. Ann. Glaciol. 54(63), 63–74. https://doi.org/10.3189/2013AoG63A422. Jóhannesson, T., B. Pálmason, Á. Hjartarson, A. H. Jarosch, E. Magnússon, J. M. C. Belart and M. T. Gudmundsson 2020. Non-surface mass balance of glaciers in Iceland. J. Glaciol. 66(258), 685–697. https://doi.org/10.1017/jog.2020.37. Jónsson, G. Þ. and T. Þórarinsdóttir 2011. Hlaup í Múlakvísl 8.–10. júlí 2011. Tech. Report: GThJ-TTh/2011-01. Icelandic Meteorological Office, 10 pp. Lapazaran, J. J., J. Otero, A. Martín-Español and F. J. Navarro 2016. On the errors involved in ice-thickness estimates I: ground-penetrating radar measurement errors. J. Glaciol. 62(235), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1017/jog.2016.93. Larsen, G. 2000. Holocene eruptions within the Katla vol- canic system, south Iceland: Characteristics and envi- ronmental impact. Jökull 49, 1–28. Larsen, G. 2010. Katla: Tephrochronology and eruption history. In: Schomacker, A., J. Krüger and K. Kjær (eds.). The Mýrdalsjökull ice cap, Iceland: glacial pro- cesses, sediments and landforms on an active volcano. Development in Quaternary Sci. 13, 23–49. Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISBAN: 978-0-444-53045-5. Larsen, G., M. T. Guðmundsson and O. Sigmarsson 2013. Sólnes, J., F. Sigmundsson and B. Bessason (eds.). Náttúruvá á Íslandi. Viðlagatrygging Íslands/Háskóla- útgáfan, Reykjavík, 211–233, ISBN: 978-9979-54- 943-7. Larsen, G. and Þ. Högnadóttir 2021. Ljósmyndir Þor- láks Sverrissonar í Vík: Kötlugosið 1918 í nýju ljósi. Jökull 71, 95–114. https://doi.org/10.33799/- jokull2021.71.095 Larsen, G., M. H. Janebo and M. T. Gudmundsson 2021. The explosive basaltic Katla eruption in 1918, south Iceland I: Course of events, tephra fall and flood routes. Jökull 71, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.33799/- jokull2021.71.001 Mackintosh, A. N., A. J. Dugmore and F. M. Jacobsen 2000. Ice-thickness measurements on Sólheimajökull, southern Iceland, and their relevance to its recent be- haviour. Jökull 48, 9–15. Magnússon, E., J. M.-C. Belart, F. Pálsson, L. S. Ander- son, Á. Þ. Gunnlaugsson, E. Berthier, H. Ágústsson and Á. Geirsdóttir 2016. The subglacial topography of Drangajökull ice cap, NW-Iceland, deduced from dense RES-profiling. Jökull 66, 1–26. Magnússon, E., F. Pálsson, H. Björnsson and S. Guð- mundsson 2012. Removing the ice cap of Öræfa- jökull central volcano, SE-Iceland: Mapping and in- terpretation of bedrock topography, ice volumes, sub- glacial troughs and implications for hazards assess- ments. Jökull 62, 131–150. Magnússon, E., F. Pálsson, M. T. Guðmundsson, J. M. C. Belart and Þ. Högnadóttir 2017. Hvað sýna íssjármæl- ingar undir sigkötlum Mýrdalsjökuls. Tech. report: In- stitute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, 39 pp. Magnússon, E., F. Pálsson, M. T. Gudmundsson, Th. Högnadóttir, C. Rossi, B. G. Ófeigsson, Th. Thor- steinsson, E. Sturkell and T. Jóhannesson 2021.Devel- opment of a subglacial lake monitored with radio-echo sounding: case study from the eastern Skaftá cauldron in the Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland. The Cryosphere 15, 3731–3749. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-15-3731-2021. Mingo, L. and G. E. Flowers 2010. Instruments and Meth- ods. An integrated lightweight ice-penetrating radar system. J. Glaciol. 56(198), 709–714. https://doi.org/10.3189/002214310793146179. Moran, M. L., R. J. Greenfield, S. A. Arcone and A. J. De- laney 2000. Delineation of a complexly dipping tem- perate glacier bed using short-pulse radar arrays. J. Glaciol. 46(153), 274–286. https://doi.org/10.3189/- 172756500781832882. Morlighem, M., E. Rignot , H. Seroussi, E. Larour, H. Ben Dhia and D. Aubry 2011. A mass conserva- tion approach for mapping glacier ice thickness. Geo- phys. Res. Lett. 38, L19503. https://doi.org/10.1029/- 2011GL048659 Óladóttir, B. A., G. Larsen and O. Sigmarsson 2014. Vol- ume estimates of nine Katla tephra layers (∼1860 BC – 870 AD). Jökull 64, 23–40. Óladóttir, B. A., O. Sigmarsson, G. Larsen and T. Thor- darson 2008. Katla volcano, Iceland: magma composi- tion, dynamics and eruption frequency as recorded by Holocene tephra layers. Bull. Volc. 70 (4), 475–493. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00445-007-0150-5. Pálsson F., H. Björnsson and E. Magnússon 2005. Rennslisleiðir vatns undir Kötlujökli (Höfðabrekku- jökli). Report, RH-04-2005. Rist, S. 1967a. The thickness of the ice cover of Mýrdals- jökull, Southern Iceland. Jökull 17, 237–242. JÖKULL No. 71, 2021 69
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