Jökull - 01.01.2021, Síða 102
Guðrún Larsen og Þórdís Högnadóttir
4. mynd. Hvítur gufumökkur breiðir úr sér, fremur
lágur en ber þó hærra en Höttu og leggur til austurs.
Mynd líklega tekin 15. eða 16. október. Hæð gos-
makkarins er 6–7 km yfir upptök á botni öskjunnar
(um 8 km y.s.). (Mynd ÞS-2-013, Þjóðminjasafn Ís-
lands. Eign JH. Himinn lítillega dekktur). – Photo
taken north of Vík village. It shows a tranquil, low
but wide eruption cloud, apparently mostly water va-
pour. There is haze in the air, and the mountains
south of the glacier are barely discerned. The erupti-
on cloud has been calculated to rise 6–7 km above
the source (about 8 km a.s.l.). Haze was reported on
October 15 when sunlight was too faint for shadows
to form, and less haze on October 16, when an erupti-
on cloud was reported to be lower than before. Based
on available descriptions (Jóhannsson 1919; Sveins-
son 1919). (Plate ÞS-2-013, National Museum of Ice-
land. Property of IES. Sky slightly darkened).
5. mynd (a) var líklega tekin 20. október, ef til vill
snemma dags. Ljós gosmökkur rís yfir snjóhvítan
jökul. Vera má að smávægilegt öskufall sé til aust-
urs niður á jökulinn. (Mynd ÞS-2-009, Þjóðminjasafn
Íslands. Eign JH. Löguð, himinn dekktur). – Photo
taken north of Vík village showing a rather weak,
slanting white eruption cloud above the snow covered
glacier. There is some haze in the air as on the photo
below. It is thus likely that both are from the same
day, October 20th, shot from a different location.
(After plate ÞS-2-009, National Museum of Iceland.
Property of IES. Slightly changed, sky darkened).
5. mynd (b). Ljósmynd tekin af brún Höttu norðan
Víkur, líklega 20. október. Tveir aðgreindir gosmekk-
ir sjást rísa upp yfir snjóhvítan jökul. Eystri gos-
mökkurinn rís hærra, sá vestari er óverulegur þeg-
ar myndin er tekin. Tveir gosmekkir sáust fyrst 20.
október og miðað við lýsingu Guðgeirs Jóhannsson-
ar (1919) er líklegast að myndin sé tekin milli kl 14
og 16 á þeim degi. (Mynd ÞS-2-005, Þjóðminjasafn
Íslands. Eign JH. Löguð, himinn dekktur og myndin
skerpt). – Photo most likely taken on October 20 from
the top of the nearby mountain Hatta, looking NNW
towards Mýrdalsjökull. The surface of the glacier is
white from a recent snowfall whereas the mountains
south of the glacier are still blackened by tephra.
The photo shows two clearly separated eruption col-
umns rising above the surface of the glacier, a small
one towards left (west) and a larger one towards
right, a weak column leaning already at the base tow-
ards east. October 20 was the first day when two
separate eruption columns were spotted and on that
day the glacier had turned “snow white„ (Jóhannson
1919). Based on descriptions these photos are most
likely taken between 14 and 16 o’clock on October
20. (After plate ÞS-2-005, National Museum of Ice-
land. Property of IES. Slightly changed, sky dar-
kened, contrast increased).
100 JÖKULL No. 71, 2021