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Reed, L. J. and E. Tryggvason 1974. Preferred orientations
of rigid particles in a viscous matrix deformed by pure
shear and simple shear. Tectonophysics 24 (1–2), 85–
98. https://doi.org/10.1016/0040-1951(74)90131-0
Eysteinn Tryggvason 1976. Jarðskjálftar og jarðrask í
Kelduhverfi og Mývatnssveit. Skjálftabréf nr. 6, 6–7.
Raunvísindastofnun Háskólans.
Guðmundur Sigvaldason, Karl Grönvold, Eysteinn
Tryggvason og Páll Einarsson 1976. Greinargerð um
jarðfræðilegt ástand Kröflusvæðisins og ályktanir
um hættu á eldgosi. Morgunblaðið 27. ágúst, 18–19.
Þjóðviljinn 27. ágúst, 6–7.
Eysteinn Tryggvason 1976. Landslagsbreytingar sam-
fara jarðskjálftunum 1975–1976. Náttúrufræðingur-
inn 46(3), 124–128.
Björnsson, A., K. Sæmundsson, P. Einarsson, E. Tryggva-
son and K. Grönvold 1977. Current rifting episode in
north Iceland. Nature 266, 318–323.
Tryggvason, E. 1978. Tilt observations in the Krafla-
Mývatn area 1976–1977. Nordic Volcanological Insti-
tute, research report 7802, 45 pp.
Tryggvason, E. 1978. Distance measurements in 1977
in the Krafla-Mývatn area 1976–1977 and observed
ground movements. Nordic Volcanological Institute,
research report 7810, 47 pp.
Eysteinn Tryggvason 1978. Fjarlægðarmælingar í Vest-
mannaeyjum 2.–4. maí 1978. Norræna eldfjallastöðin,
skýrsla 7811, 8 pp.
Tryggvason, E. 1978. Subsidence events in the Krafla area.
Preliminary report based on tilt and distance measure-
ments. Nordic Volcanological Institute, research report
7814, 65 pp.
Eysteinn Tryggvason 1978. Umbrotahrinan við Kröflu
10.–14. nóvember 1978. Norræna eldfjallastöðin,
skýrsla 7815, 10 bls.
Eysteinn Tryggvason 1978. Jarðskjálftar á Íslandi 1930–
1939 (Earthquakes in Iceland 1930–1939, in Ice-
landic). Science Institute, University of Iceland, Re-
port RH-78-21, 92 pp.
Eysteinn Tryggvason 1978. Jarðskjálftar á Íslandi 1940–
1949 (Earthquakes in Iceland 1940–1949, in Ice-
landic). Science Institute, University of Iceland, Re-
port RH-78-22, 51 pp.
Eysteinn Tryggvason 1979. Jarðskjálftar á Íslandi 1950–
1959 (Earthquakes in Iceland 1950–1959, in Ice-
landic). Science Institute, University of Iceland, Re-
port RH-79-06, 90 pp.
Tryggvason E. 1979. Tilt observation in the Krafla-Mývatn
area, progress report. Nordic Volcanological Institute,
research report 7907, 55 pp.
Björnsson, A., G. Johnsen, S. Sigurdsson, G. Thorbergs-
son and E. Tryggvason 1978. Rifting of the plate
boundary in North Iceland 1975–1978. Nordic Vol-
canological Institute, research report 7807, 31 pp. and
Rep. OS-JHD-78-21, Orkustofnun.
Björnsson, A., G. Johnsen, S. Sigurðsson, G. Thor-
bergsson and E. Tryggvason 1979. Rifting of the
plate boundary in North Iceland 1975–1978. J. Geo-
phys. Res. 84, 3029–3038. https://doi.org/10.1029/-
Tryggvason E. 1980. Recent ground deformation in conti-
nental and oceanic rift zones. Nordic Volcanological
Institute, research report 8001, 35 pp.
Tryggvason E. 1980. Distance measurements in the
Krafla-Gjástykki geodimeter network, March 1978 to
May 1979. Nordic Volcanological Institute, research
report 8002, 42 pp.
Tryggvason E. 1980. Distance measurements in Vestman-
naeyjar 1978–1980. Nordic Volcanological Institute,
research report 8004, 13 pp.
Tryggvason E. 1980. Observed ground deformation during
the Krafla eruption of March 16, 1980. Nordic Vol-
canological Institute, research report 8005, 12 pp.
Tryggvason E. 1980. Subsidence events in the Krafla area,
North Iceland,1975–1979. J. Geophysics 47, 141–153.
Eysteinn Tryggvason 1980. Eldgosið norðan Leirhnjúks
16. mars 1980. Skjálftabréf nr. 42, 11–12, Raun-
vísindastofnun Háskólans.
Tryggvason E. 1981. Vertical component of ground defor-
mation in southwest- and north-Iceland, results of lev-
eling in 1976 and 1980. Nordic Volcanological Insti-
tute, research report 8102, 26 pp.
Eysteinn Tryggvason 1981. Kröflugosið 16. mars 1980.
Týli 11, 17–18.
Tryggvason E. 1981. Pressure variations and volume of
the Krafla magma reservoir. Nordic Volcanological
Institute, research report 8105, 17 pp.
Tryggvason E. 1982. Recent ground deformation in con-
tinental and oceanic rift zones. In: Pálmason, G. (ed).
Continental and Oceanic Rifts, American Geophysical
Union , Geodynamic Series 8, 17–29. https://doi.org/-
Tryggvason, E. 1982. Observed ground deformation dur-
ing the Krafla eruption of March 16, 1980. Ar-
quipélago, Univ. Açores, Série Ciencias da Natureza
III: 45–106.
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