Jökull - 01.01.2021, Qupperneq 162
Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson
Undanfarin aldarfjórðung hafa tíð eldgos í Vatnajökli og breytingar sem af þeim stafa verið fyrirferðamikil í
voferðum JÖRFÍ. Hér er siglt á gúmmíbát í vorferð 2012 um lónið sem myndaðist í kjölfar gossins í maí 2011. –
Surveying in an inflatable boat within the large ice cauldron that formed during the 2011 eruption in Grímsvötn.
Ljósm:/Photo. MTG.
main bases of Jökulheimar (has four buildings) and
Grímsfjall (three buildings). Research has mainly fo-
cussed on the Vatnajökull glacier and the land under-
neath it, as well as monitoring the growth and retreat
of outlet glaciers in Iceland which is work carried out
by volunteers. Over the last 25 years, volcanic activ-
ity under Vatnajökull and its effect on the glacier has
been a major focus in the spring expeditions. The So-
ciety, in collaboration with the Geoscience Society of
Iceland, publishes the journal Jökull, and has done so
for seven decades. The success of the society in fur-
thering its aims is based on the skills and engagement
of its volunteering members. The collaboration and
companionship built in the various expeditions is one
of the pillars of the Iceland Glaciological Society.
Helgi Björnsson 2009. Jöklar á Íslandi. Bókaútgáfan
Opna. Reykjavík, 479 bls.
Hrafnhildur Hannesdóttir, Oddur Sigurðsson, Bergur Ein-
arsson og Snævarr Guðmundsson 2020. Að fóstra
jökul. Jökull 70, 87–109.
Jón Eyþórsson 1951. Fransk-íslenski leiðangurinn, marz-
apríl 1951. Jökull 1, 10–14.
Jökull 1951. Breiðá. Jökull 1, bls. 9.
Jökull 1951. Esjufjöll. Jökull 1, bls. 8.
Magnús Jóhannsson, Sigurður Þórarinsson, Jón Eyþórsson
1959. Vatnajökulsferðir vorið 1959. Jökull 9, 33–40.
Páll Theodórsson 2001. Djúpborun í Bárðarbungu 1972.
Minningabrot. Jökull 50, 109–118.
Sigurður Þórarinsson 1953. The Grímsvötn expedition
June-July 1953. Jökull 3, 6–23.
Sigurjón Rist 1960. Rannsóknir á Vatnajökli 1960. Hita-
mælingar, snjómælingar o.fl. Jökull 10, 1–11.
160 JÖKULL No. 71, 2021