Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 05.01.2015, Side 78

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 05.01.2015, Side 78
X V I I V Í S I N D A R Á Ð S T E F N A H Í F Y L G I R I T 8 2 78 LÆKNAblaðið/Fylgirit 82 2015/101 V 66 Negative effects of a novel Kudoa species on aquaculture and wild fisheries Árni Kristmundsson1, Mark Andrew Freeman2 1Institute for Experimental Pathology at Keldur, University of Iceland, 2Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya arnik@hi.is Introduction: Myxosporeans from the genus Kudoa are mostly histozoic in muscular tissues of fish. Most of the nearly 100 described species of Kudoa are histozoic in muscular tissues of fish. They are generally considered non-pathogenic to fish, however a number of Kudoa species cause great economic losses in both commercial fisheries and aquacult- ure, due to post mortem proteolysis causing muscle liquefaction. Methods and data: Farmed and wild spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) and wild Atlantic wolffish (A. lupus) and lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) were examined for the presence of Kudoa plasmodia and spores by ste- reoscope and compound microscope. The parasite found was described using morphological, histological and molecular methods. Results: A novel species, Kudoa islandica n. sp. was detected in all three fish species examined. Infections were common in the farmed spotted wolffish and gradually intensified during the rearing. Most of the wild fish examined, regardless of fish species, were found to be infected; infections being most prevalent and extensive in the lumpfish. The infections cause severe post mortem myoliquefaction in all fish species. Conclusions: Post mortem myoliquefaction due to Kudoa infections has been a concern for years, both in aquaculture and commercial fisheries. In the rearing of spotted wolffish in Iceland, Kudoa islandica became a big problem and played a role in the closure of the farm. Furthermore, this novel Kudoa causes economical loss to lumpfish products and is not host specific, which is a concern as lumpfish are increasingly used as cleaner fish in salmonid culture. V 67 Orku- og próteinneysla hjarta- og lungnaskurðsjúklinga eftir innleiðingu orkuþéttra matseðla Áróra Rós Ingadóttir1, Heiða Björg Hilmisdóttir2, Alfons Ramel1,3, Ingibjörg Gunnarsdóttir1,3 1Rannsóknastofa í næringarfræði, matvæla- og næringarfræðideild Háskóla Íslands og Landspítala, 2eldhús-matsalir Landspítala, 3matvæla- og næringarfræðideild Háskóla Íslands aroraros@lsh.is Inngangur: Í fyrri rannsókn frá 2011 var orku- og próteinneysla sjúklinga sem lögðust inn á hjarta- og lungnaskurðdeild (12E) minni en áætluð orku- og próteinþörf. Síðan þá hafa breytingar verið gerðar á matseðlum Landspítala (LSH) með áherslu á meiri orkuþéttni. Markmiðið var að kanna orku- og próteinmagn máltíða frá eldhúsi LSH og meta orku- og próteinneyslu sjúklinga eftir breytingar á samsetningu matseðla. Efniviður og aðferðir: Orku- og próteinneysla sjúklinga (n=92) sem lögðust inn á hjarta- og lungnaskurðdeild (12E) á LSH árið 2013 var borin saman við neyslu sjúklinga úr sambærilegri rannsókn frá árinu 2011 (n=69). Orku- og próteinneysla máltíða frá eldhúsi LSH var metin með gildismetnu skráningarblaði á þriðja til fimmta degi eftir aðgerð í báðum rannsóknum. Annar matur og drykkur (meðal annars næringar- drykkir) var einnig skráður. Niðurstöður: Heildarorkuinnihald sjúkrahúsmáltíða var meira (1946 ± 65 á móti 1711± 199kkal, P<0,001) en próteininnihald heldur minna (81,5 ± 7,2 á móti 85,5 ± 9,9g, P=0,003) í rannsókninni 2013 borið saman við 2011. Sjúklingar neyttu meiri orku frá sjúkrahúsmáltíðum 2013 (1293 ± 386 á móti 1096 ± 340kkal, P=0,001) heldur en í rannsókninni 2011. Próteinneysla reyndist einnig vera heldur meiri (53,8 ± 17,8 á móti 49,1 ± 16,1g, 0,085). Hins vegar leiddi aukin orkuneysla úr sjúkrahúsmáltiðum ekki til hærri heildarorkuneyslu (1452 ± 389 á móti 1374 ± 394, 0,217), vegna minni neyslu næringardrykkja og mat að heiman (170 ± 171 á móti 282 ± 207kkal, P<0,001) í rannsókn 2013 samanborið við rannsóknina frá 2011. Ályktanir: Innleiðing nýrra matseðla með meiri orkuþéttni leiddi til aukinnar orkuneyslu sjúklinga úr sjúkrahúsmáltíðum. Hins vegar leiddi það ekki til hærri heildarorkuneyslu vegna minni neyslu næringar- drykkja og mat að heiman. V 68 Disease activity and quality of life of patients with psoriatic arthritis mutilans: The Nordic PAM-Study Björn Guðbjörnsson1, Ulla Lindqvist2, Lars Iversen3, Leena Paimela4, Leena Laasonen5, Leif Ejstrup6, Thomas Ternowitz7, Mona Ståhle8 1Center for Rheumatology Research, Landspítali University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland,2Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala Universityand Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland,3Department of Dermatology, Aarhus University Hospital, 4Helsinki University Central Hospital, 5Helsinki Medical Imaging Center, Helsinki University Central Hospital, 6 Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital, 7Department of Dermatology, Stavanger University Hospital, 8Dermatology Unit, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet bjorngu@landspitali.is Introduction: To describe the activity of disease, social status and to as- sess the health related quality of life in patients with Psoriatic arthritis mutilans (PAM) in the Nordic countries. Methods and data: Patients with at least one mutilated joint verified radiological, were included in the study. Disease activity including joint and skin, physicians estimated disease activity, patient´s education and work status was recorded. SF-36, mHAQ and DLQI questionnaires were obtained and correlated to disease duration, pain and general well-being (VAS). Results: 64 patients were included: 30 from Sweden, 19 Denmark, 12 Norway and three patients from Iceland, all with a very early onset of disease (25±14 years) and a mean disease history of 33 years. Overall inflammatory activity was of low, number of mean mutilated joints were 8.2 and gross deformity was found in 16% of the patients. Forty percent were treated with bDMARD and 32% with csDMARD. Forty- two percent were early retired or on sick leave. Reduced functional capacity with almost no ability to perform self-care or daily duties was reported by 21%. Quality of life was most reduced in patients of 45 to 60 years of age. Conclusions: PAM has a substantial impact on social functions. Whether early recognition of PAM and novel therapies will improve the disease outcome and its consequences on quality of life remains to be studied. V 69 Staðsetning og stöðugleiki LL-37 í húð einstaklinga með skellusóra Eva Ösp Björnsdóttir1,2, Guðmundur Bergsson1, Jenna Huld Eysteinsdóttir1,3, Helga Kristín Einarsdóttir1, Bjarni Agnarsson2,4, Jón Hjaltalín Ólafsson2,5,6, Bárður Sigurgeirsson6, Ása Brynjólfsdóttir3, Steingrímur Davíðsson3,5, Björn Rúnar Lúðvíkssson1,6 1Ónæmisfræðideild Landspítala, 2læknadeild Háskóla Íslands, 3Lækningalind Bláa lónsins, 4meinafræðideild, 5húð- og kynsjúkdómadeild Landspítala, 6Húðlæknastöðinni bjornlud@lsh.is Inngangur: Sóri er algengur bólgusjúkdómur með slæma fylgikvilla og skert lífsgæði. Aukin tjáning á örverudrepandi peptíðum ónæmiskerfis- ins og breytingar á ensímvirkni í húð hafa nýlega verið tengd meingerð
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