Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 05.01.2015, Qupperneq 82

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 05.01.2015, Qupperneq 82
X V I I V Í S I N D A R Á Ð S T E F N A H Í F Y L G I R I T 8 2 82 LÆKNAblaðið/Fylgirit 82 2015/101 V 79 Distribution of the 1637delC Allele among MBL2 Genotypes Helga Bjarnadóttir1, Margrét Arnardóttir1,2, Björn Rúnar Lúðvíksson1,2 1Department of Immunology, Landspítali University Hospital, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland. hbjarna@landspitali.is Introduction: Activation of complements via the lectin pathway (LP) is mediated by five pattern recognition proteins (PRPs). These are mannan-binding lectin (MBL), collectin-11 (CL-11), and ficolin-1-3. It is not known why the LP is activated by five independant molecules, but it has been suggested that they could be compensating for one another. We have determined the prevalence of MBL deficiency genotypes to be 7.9 % in Icelandic blood donors. This is relatively high among healthy individuals and suggests that MBL might be a redundant molecule. Ficolin-3 is the most abundant of the PRPs in serum. The 1637delC mutation in the FCN3 gene causes ficolin-3 deficiency in a gene doze dependant manner. We hypothesize that combined ficolin-3 and MBL deficiency is rare or detrimental in humans and that ficolin-3 compensa- tes for MBL deficiency. The aim was to investigate the disribution of the1637delC allele among MBL2 genotypes. Materials and methods: The cohort consisted of blood donors and indi- viduals that had been referred to our lab for MBL evaluations (N=637). MBL deficiency variants in exon 1 were determined in addition to down- regulating allele X in MBL2 promoter using melting curve analysis.The 1637delC allele was determined by RFLP-PCR. Results: The MBL2 genotypes were grouped into deficient (N=106) and sufficient (N=531) producers. Twenty 1637delC heterozygotes were detected in the sufficient group, whereas the allele was not found in the deficient group (p=0.0426). Conclusions: The results support our hypothesis that MBL deficient individuals are not carriers of the1637delC allele. The allele could have been selected out through evolution in MBL deficient individuals. V 80 Outbreak of a multiresistant Escherichia coli in the neonatal intensive care unit at Landspítali Hildur Byström Guðjónsdóttir1,3, Ásdís Elfarsdóttir2, Freyja Valsdóttir1,3, Ólafur Guðlaugsson2, Ingibjörg Hilmarsdóttir1,3 1Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, 2Department of Quality and Infection Control, Landspítali University Hospital, 3Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland rjhildur@gmail.com Introduction: An outbreak caused by multidrug resistant E. coli that produced extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) occurred in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of Landspítali in March 2014. This project describes the infection control measures and outbreak inve- stigation. Methods and data: Infection control measures consisted of cohorting colonized patients, enhanced and improved cleaning, personal protec- tion and hand disinfection and education for health care workers and patients. Outbreak monitoring included continuous screening of all admitted neonates in the NICU and of previously discharged infants as well as environmental sampling for ESBL-producing E. coli which were subsequently analyzed for clonal relatedness by enzyme restriction and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Genotyping of common ESBL genes was done by PCR and sequencing. Results: ESBL-producing E. coli was found in 27 infants that had been hospitalized from December 2013 to May 2014, and 22 of them shared the outbreak clone. Eight of these were hospitalized in the NICU when diagnosed and 14 had been discharged. The outbreak clone caused septicemia in the index case and fecal colonization in the remaining 21 cases. It was resistant to three antibiotic classes. Results of the ESBL genotyping will be presented. Conclusions: Retrospective screening of discharged infants indicated that the outbreak clone of ESBL-producing E. coli might have been present in the NICU three months before the outbreak was noticed, but remained undetected in the absence of systematic screening of neonates. This study demonstrates the importance of rigorous infection control precautions and the usefulness of molecular methods in outbreak inve- stigations. V 81 Umönnun í sængurlegu á stofnun og heima: Reynsla og viðhorf kvenna Hildur Sigurðardóttir Hjúkrunarfræðideild Háskóla Íslands hildusig@hi.is Inngangur: Svokölluð heimaþjónusta ljósmæðra hefur verið í boði í 20 ár og notendum hennar stöðugt fjölgað samfara styttri sjúkrahúsvist. Viðmið um heilsufar móður og barns sem forsendur fyrir snemmút- skrift og aðgengi að heimaþjónustunni hafa einnig orðið sveigjanlegri. Á niðurskurðartímum er mikilvægt að standa vörð um gæði og öryggi þjónustunnar og meta árangur hennar markvisst meðal annars með skoðun á viðhorfum notenda hennar. Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna viðhorf og reynslu kvenna af þjónustu sem veitt er í sæng- urlegu bæði á stofnun og heima. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsóknin var með blönduðu sniði en notast var við staðlaða spurningarkvarða upphafleg þróaða af Carty (1990) og Hodnett (1998), og hins vegar opnar spurningar. Kvarðarnir mæla viðhorf til veittrar fræðslu (FRÆÐSLA), ánægju/óánægju með þjón- ustuna (ÁNÆGJA) og viðhorf til innihalds þjónustunnar (ÞJÓNUSTA). Markhópur rannsóknarinnar voru konur sem fæddu börn á Landspítala og á sjúkrahúsi Vesturlands á vormánuðum 2012. Þátttakendur fengu spurningalista afhenta fyrir útskrift ásamt kynningarbréfi og þeir beðnir um að svara listunum og póstsenda að heimaþjónustunni lokinni. Gagnasöfnunin var framvirk en úrtaksvalið þægindaúrtak er náði til 62 kvenna (31% lista sem lagðir voru inn til sængurkvennadeilda). Niðurstöður: Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar styðja fyrri sambærilegar rannsóknir og gefa til kynna almenna ánægju kvenna með sængurlegu- þjónustuna, einkum heimaþjónustu ljósmæðra þar sem stærstur hluti kvenna vill að þjónustunni sé viðhaldið og aðgengi að henni jafnvel aukið. Heildarmeðalstig úr kvörðunum þremur sýndu að konurnar voru marktækt jákvæðari gagnvart heimaþjónustunni (P<0,001). Vísbendingar komu fram um að styrkja mætti enn frekar stuðning við brjóstagjöf/næringu barns á stofnun fyrstu sólarhringana og stuðning við feður. V 82 Umfang og eðli lyfjagjafa hjúkrunarfræðinga án fyrirmæla lækna á Landspítala Hulda S. Gunnarsdóttir1,2, Ásta Thoroddsen1,2, Helga Bragadóttir1,2 1Hjúkrunarfræðideild Háskóla Íslands, 2Landspítala huldsvgu@landspitali.is Inngangur: Þekkt er að hjúkrunarfræðingar gefi sjúklingum lyf án þess að skrifleg fyrirmæli læknis liggi fyrir. Á Landspítala er slík lyfjagjöf skráð í rafræna lyfjaskráningarkerfið Therapy sem stök lyfjagjöf.
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