Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 05.01.2015, Qupperneq 85

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 05.01.2015, Qupperneq 85
X V I I V Í S I N D A R Á Ð S T E F N A H Í F Y L G I R I T 8 2 LÆKNAblaðið/Fylgirit 82 2015/101 85 með ljósmælingu. Viðmið ljósgleypnimælinga: <0,020=ekki, 0,020- 0,085=þunn, >0,085= þykk örveruþekja. Niðurstöður: Af stofnum frá miðeyra voru 70% örveruþekjumyndandi, 64% frá berum og 56% frá ífarandi sýkingum. Stofnar af hjúpgerð 6B mynduðu alltaf örveruþekjur, 19F alltaf nema í 8% berasýna og 6A alltaf nema í 20% berasýna. Hins vegar myndaði 23F eingöngu örveruþekjur í 14% sýna frá miðeyra og hjúpgerð 14 eingöngu í 10% nefkokssýna. Stofnar af hjúpgerðum 19F frá miðeyra mynduðu þykkari örveruþekjur en stofnar frá berum. Ályktanir: Pneumókokkar frá öllum sýnaflokkum geta myndað örveruþekjur á polystyren yfirborði. Örveruþekjumyndun er algengust í stofnum frá endurteknum miðeyrnasýkingum og bundin tilteknum hjúpgerðum. Stofnar af hjúpgerð 19F frá endurteknum miðeyrnasýk- ingum mynduðu marktækt oftar og þykkari örveruþekju en stofnar frá berum. Tilraunalíkanið gefur áhugaverðar vísbendingar þótt það líki ekki vel eftir raunverulegum sýkingum. V 89 The long range interactions of the IRF4 promoter in myeloma and melanoma Kristján Hólm Grétarsson, Erna Magnúsdóttir, Eiríkur Steingrímsson Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland khg16@hi.is Introduction: Chromosomal activities have been linked with both structural properties and spatial conformations of chromosomes(1)t4. As chromosome organization is highly dynamic, varying both during the cell cycle and between different cell types (2) it is interesting to look at differences in long range chromatin interactions to study the underly- ing control mechanisms of a gene. The goal of this project is to look at the long range interactions of elements responsible for the transcription of the IRF4 gene in myeloma and melanoma using the chromosome conformation capture (3C) technique which was developed to study chromatin interactions(1, 3).In the B-cell lineage IRF4 expression leads to B-cell heavy chain class switch recombination and the generation of plasma cells from germinal center B cells(4) and is required for the survival of myeloma cell(5). Additionally, IRF4 plays a role in melanoma and pigmentation(6). Methods and data: The 3C technique: The 3 dimensional organization of the genome is fixed in point with a fixation agent. The fixed chromatin is digested with a restriction enzyme and the sticky ends of the fragments are ligated. These ligated fragments, which reflect the interaction between two genomic loci are then quantified to measure the number of ligation events, using primers located near the ligation junctions(7). Results: The 3C technique is working in our hands and can be used to find long range interactions. Conclusions: With the 3C method and derived techniques we have the potential to find cell specific as well as common long range interactions of the IRF4 promoter and shed light on the molecular mechanism of its regulation and how it might differ in the different cell types. V 90 Prediabetes and diabetes are not related to endothelial dysfunction among patients with unstable coronary syndromes Linda Björk Kristinsdóttir1, Guðmundur Þorgeirsson1,2, Vilmundur Guðnason1,3, Sigurður Sigurðsson3, Ísleifur Ólafsson1,2, Erna Sif Arnardóttir1,2, Þórarinn Árni Bjarnason1,2, Karl Andersen1,2,3 1Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, 2Landspítali University Hospital, 3Icelandic Heart Association lindabjkr@gmail.com Introduction: Approximately two thirds of patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) have undiagnosed diabetes or prediabetes. The aim of this study was to determine whether disturbances in glucose metabolism are related to endothelial dysfunction in patient with ACS. Methods and data: Patients with ACS but no known disturbance of glucose metabolism were consecutively included in a single center university hospital setting. A standard oral glucose tolerance test and measurements of fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c were performed 3-5 days after hospitalization, and repeated 8-12 weeks later. Carotid ultrasound was also performed to determine the extent of plaque form- ation in each patient. Assessment of endothelial dysfunction was done with EndoPAT and presented as the Reactive Hyperemia Index (RHI). Results: Ninety-two patients were consecutively included (mean age 63.5 years, 79% male). Medians of RHI were 1.85 (IQR: 1.59-2.25), 1.78 (IQR: 1.60-2.27) and 1.85 (IQR: 1.40-3.43) in patients with normal glucose metabolism (32%), prediabetes (51%) and diabetes (17%), respectively (p=0.83). RHI medians were 2.97 (IQR: 2.97-2.97), 1.82 (IQR: 1.59-2.15), 1.78 (IQR: 1.54-2.22) and 2.09 (IQR: 1.63-2.29) in patients with no, minmal, moderate or severe stenosis in carotid arteries, respectively (p=0,41). A negative correlation was seen between RHI and the extent of coronary artery disease (r=-0.22, p=0.03). Conclusions: Endothelial dysfunction is not related to metabolic der- angement among ACS patients. This might indicate that atherosclerosis in ACS patients is progressed to the extent that the upstream effect of metabolic derangement and subsequent endothelial dysfunction, can no longer be detected. V 91 Truflun í sykurbúskap eykur líkur á æðakölkunarsjúkdómi í hálsslagæðum hjá sjúklingum með bráð kransæðaheilkenni Þórarinn Árni Bjarnason1,2, Steinar Orri Hafþórsson2, Erna Sif Óskarsdóttir2, Linda Björk Kristinsdóttir2, Ísleifur Ólafsson1,2, Sigurður Sigurðsson3, Vilmundur Guðnason2,3, Karl Andersen1,2,3 1Landspítala, 2læknadeild Háskóla Íslands, 3Hjartavernd thorarinn21@gmail.com Inngangur: Sykursýki 2 (SS2) og skert sykurþol eru þekktir áhættu- þættir fyrir æðakölkun. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að meta áhrif SS2 og skerts sykurþols á útbreiðslu æðakölkunar í hálsslagæðum hjá sjúklingum með brátt kransæðaheilkenni (BKH) Efniviður og aðferðir: Sjúklingar sem lögðust inn á hjartadeild Landspítala með áður ógreinda sykursýki var boðið að taka þátt í rann- sókninni. Mælingar á sykurbúskap (fastandi glúkósi í plasma, HbA1c og sykurþolspróf) voru gerðar í innlögn og endurteknar þremur mán- uðum seinna. Æðakölkun var metin með stöðluðum hálsæðaómunum og flokkuð í enga, litla, í meðallagi og alvarlega æðakölkun. Niðurstöður: 141 sjúklingar (79% karlar, meðalaldur 63 ár) með BKH og áður ógreinda SS2 tóku þátt í rannsókninni. Sjúklingar með eðlilegan sykurbúskap voru 46,8%, 42,6% með skert sykurþol og 10,6% með SS2. Æðakalkanir í hálsslagæðum voru til staðar í 95, 98 og 100% sjúklinga með eðlilegan sykurbúskap, skert sykurþol og SS2. Algengi í meðallagi
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