Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags


Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1994, Qupperneq 98

Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1994, Qupperneq 98
102 ÁRBÓK FORNLEIFAFÉLAGSINS 11. Árboger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie 1955, Kh. 1956, Erik Moltke: Nogle malerier i vore kirker og deres forbilleder, samt lidt om Peder Candid, bls. 106-123. 12. Þjóðskjalasafn, Biskupsvísitasía Áskirkju 1751, Bps AII, 19. 13. Þjóðskjalasafn, Prófastsvísitasía Áskirkju 1790, AA 4 1748-1866. 14. Þjóðskjalasafn, Biskupsvísitasía Áskirkju 1827, AA 4 1748-1866. 15. Þjóðskjalasafn, Pófastsvísitasía Áskirkju 1832, AA 4 1748-1866. 16. Þjóðskjalasafn, Prófastsvísitasía Lundarkirkju 1814, AA 7 1805-1832. 17. Þjóðskjalasafn, Biskupsvísitasía Húsafellskirkju 1725, A II, 17. 18. Þjóðskjalasafn, Biskupsvísitasía Áskirkju 1725, AII, 17. SUMMARY In view of planned renovation work on the church at Stóri-Ás, the author was invited to examine the church and its furnishings and artefacts. She gives an account of the preserva- tion of ecclesiastical art and artefacts in Iceland, the development of legislation in this area and the current National Monuments Act of 1989. The Act states unequivocally that the Director of the National Museum, acting in consultation with the National Monuments Commission, is to take decisions on the preservation and conservation of furnishings and artefacts in Icelandic churches which are regarded as warranting preservation due to their historical or aesthetic value. Special inventories are to be made of the protected items belong- ing to each church, and those in charge of the churches are responsible for their protection. The National Museum, or a local museum designated by the Director of the National Museum, is to preserve items that have been withdrawn from service in the churches or which the Director of the National Museum or the church authorities agree need no longer be kept in the churches. The main section of the article describes how the author set about examining the church at Stóri-Ás in the light of this legislation and with reference to the inventory made in 1909 by the then Director of the National Museum, Matthías Þórðarson. One of the items in the church is a Danish altarpiece, behind which was found another far older, foreign altarpiece, probably dating from the 17th century, depicting the Last Supper. The source-model was a well-known picture by Peder Candid which was printed before 1600 and was much used as a model by church artists in Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein throughout the 17th century. The church also contains one wing of a third, probably Icelandic, altarpiece, depicting St Luke. With reference to the records of visitations to the church, the author traces the likely provenance and origin of the altarpieces. This find not only necessitates a revision of the inventory of the church at Stóri-Ás: the author points out that many of Iceland's churches have not been thoroughly studied and may contain important and valuable items.
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Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags

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