

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1968, Síða 110

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1968, Síða 110
218 NÁTTÚRUFRÆÐINGURINN mantle of tuff. These necks lie on a 600 m long N-S- striking line in the eastern part of Dyrhólaey. After a period of quiescence a renewed submarine volcanic activity started on a 1500 m long N-S- striking fissure in the western Dyrhólaey approximately 1600 in to the west of the earlier one. The first phase of this eruption was an outpouring of pillow lava, wliich now is confined to the lowermost part of the southwest cliffs of the headland. Then a change in the mechanism of eruption took place and explosive activity set in. At the same time the activity was confined on 3 or 4 vents on the fissure. During this phase the eruption produced mainly tuff and breccias, which were piled up to an altitude of approximately 150 m. When the volcano had reached this height again a change occured in tlie type of eruption, and the northernmost vent began to produce lava, which covered the east flank of the volcano. Below the east flank of the volcano the lava covered beach deposits, derived from the tuff rims, and flowed then into the sea where it first formed a foreset beclded pillow breccia, which is now exposed under the lava flows. The geological structure of Dyrhólaey is in many respects similar to that of Surtsey, the only difference is that in the former the socle is better exposed. The Dyrhólaey eruptions seem to liave occurred during an interglacial, probably the last or second last, when the sea level at the time of the eruption was sliglitly higher than the present sea level. Its interglacial age is also ve- rified by intensive glacial erosion. LEIÐRÉTTING í grein um ritstjóraskipti í síðasta hefti Náttúrufræðingsins var m. a. rætt um gjöf Eyþórs Erlendssonar á litmyndum í tímaritið. Af orðalagi greinarinnar mátti skilja, að hér væri aðeins um eina mynd að ræða. Svo er þó ekki. Eyþór hefur gelið 3 litmyndir og skal ein birtast í hverjum árgangi 1967—69, en verðtnæti myndanna allra skiptir tugum þúsunda króna. Lesendur og gefandi eru beðnir velvirðingar á þessum leiðu mistökum. Ritstj.
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