Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1965, Qupperneq 65

Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1965, Qupperneq 65
HJARTA DREPR STALL 63 portance whether the word hvíla was apprehended as abstract (‘rest’) or concrete (‘bed’), the phrase referent was in both cases the same. The change of meaning of the Icelandic word is, according to this terminology, called permutation. But that does not mean that permutation always is a change from abstract to concrete. We find quite the opposite in the change of the word stallr (*stallaz). We have already seen that Proto-Germanic *stallaz was a concrete word meaning ‘place’. In the phrases faire estal, to make stall and gjöra stall it has on the other hand acquired an abstract meaning, i.e., ‘standstill’. This meaning is due to permutation, probably in such phrases as *slalla neman, where it did not matter whether the word was apprehended in a concrete sense (‘place’) or an abstract meaning (‘standstill’). The same permutation can be seen in some of the Old French and English phrases which I have mentioned above, and the same applies to most of the Icelandic variants of the phrase in question. 3) The impersonal construction slall drepr ór hjarla most pro- bably is formed after the pattern of hljóð drepr ór e-m, 78 which Cleasby-Vigfússon translates “somebody becomes silent.” But never- theless stallr has here, by permutation, got the meaning ‘standstill’. The fact that the verb drepa could in some contexts have the mean- ing ‘cause, make’, e.g., drepa slóð ‘to make a track’, 70 has probably also contributed to this development. The expression drepa stall has thus been apprehended as equivalent to ‘cause standstill’. In the im- personal construction drepa has a passive meaning. Stall drepr ór hjarta thus means ‘the standstill is knocked out of, i.e., is driven away from, the heart’ or in other words ‘the heart beats violently’. 4) Hjarta er e-m drepit í stall can be explained through the same permutation. Its proper meaning is ‘somebody’s heart is knocked to standstill, i.e., is brought to standstill’ or in other words ‘stops beating’. 5) Stallr kemr í hjarta e-m may he explained in the same way, 78 Fornmanna sögur XI, 115. 70 Skjaldedigtning B I, 336 = A I, 365—366; B 1, 573 = A I, 578.
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Íslenzk tunga

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