Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1947, Blaðsíða 117
at which approxmately 100 guests enjoyed
refreshments and a social hour together.
The Closing Concert of the Icelandic
Canadian Evening School was held on
May 14th, also well attended and
enthusiastically enjoyed by all present.
The Club has taken an active part in
citizenship affairs and has supported
various projects of other organizations.
These are: —
1. A committee composed of the Presi-
dent, Carl A. Hallson; Judge W. J. Lindal,
Mrs. H. P. Danielson, and Paul Bardal has
attended meetings held to discuss the
Proposed Chair of Icelandic at the Uni-
versity of Manitoba.
2- A committee composed of Paul
Bardal, Mrs. H. P. Danielson, and Hannes
J- Lindal. has been functioning for the
Purpose of discussing ways and means of
establishing a Fund for building a Concert
Hail or some type of Community Centre
for the use of Icelanders here, which, I’m
sure would prove a valauable asset in
strengthening our Community activities.
This Committee has met with Mr. O.
Petursson, chairman of the committee
tvhich is handling this matter for the
Heague. We understand that Mr. Peturs-
son will be giving a report on this to the
3- The Club supported the Tea and
Drive for Punds” in aid of the "Save
the Children Pund” which netted $650.00.
s i n c e t h i s Tea which was held on
Apri] ígth, Mrs. Danielson, who repre-
sented the Club on this project, has re-
eeived donations totalling $160.00 from
People of Icelandic descent, outside of Win-
niPeg. This sum has been sent to the Can-
adian Committee in Toronto.
^1o Various Pi-ojocts of tho Club
1- The Icelandic Canadian Magazine has
een published for 4% years, and is be-
eoming incereasingly popular. The maga-
2me contains a variety of literature of a
'eh standard, including valuable histor-
!Cal information pertaining to the Iceiand-
e Pioneers here, and their descendants
as "’oil as articles on the History and Cul-
v!'re of Iceland. About 900 pictures of ser-
inCG men an<1 women, students, and others
Qv'’lle notvs, have been published to date.
c Vei ®1200 has been spent for “cuts”, the
°S of 'vhich is. borne entirely by the
sibl 'Catlon- of oourse, it would be impos-
We -G t0 ren<Jer such service to the public,
16 11 not for the fact that all those who
work on this project donate their time and
their talents, free of charge. Those serving
on the Magazine Committee are;— Judge
W. J. Lindal, Holmfridur Danielson, Gissur
Hliasson, Axel Vopnfjord, Mattie Halldor-
son, Stefania Eydal, Grace (ReykdaD Thor-
steinson, and Hjalmur F. Danielson. We
owe a lot to these people for their splendid
2. Icelandic Canadian Evening School.
Like the Magazine, the work of the School
is receiving enthusiastic tributes from the
public. By the end of this season, thirty
lectures will have been given on subjects
of vital interest to us of Icelandie descent.
Mrs. H. F. Danielson, who is Director of
the School, and has from the beginning
been almost solely responsible for this
work being done, will present to this con-
vention, a separate report on the School
and also on the publication of “Iceland’s
Thousand Years”.
3. Barely two months ago, the Club es-
tablished a Scholarship Fund, out of which
Scholarships may be awarded to outstand-
ing students of Icelandic extraction. The
public showed it’s approval of this timely
venture by supporting this Pund very gen-
erously. In fact, so generously that the first
scholarship has already been awarded. This
was in the form of a travelling scholar-
ship of $1200 to the brilliant young pianist,
Miss Snjolaug Sigurdson, to enable her to
continue her musical studies in New York.
The Club has as yet done nothing to pub-
licize this project and we feel sure that,
as the idea become more generally known
it will receive wide-spread public support.
The Club feels indebted to those outside
the Club who volunteered to assist the
Committee in establishing the Pund; and
also to those who supported it so gener-
ously. Those serving on the Committee are
Paul Bardal, Mrs. Danielson and Judge W.
J. Lindal.
4. The Welcome Home Reception for the
Service men and women of Icelandic des-
cent, which the club sponsored jointly with
the Jon Sigurdson Chapter of the I.O.D.E.
and which was reported last year, cost
around $1300. The two organizations feel
an overwhelming indebtedness to those
public-spirited citizens who acted as pa-
trons for this affair, and made it possible
to welcome in a fitting and dignified man-
ner our returned service personnel. Those
who so ably represented the club in making
the preparations for that fine banquet