Le Nord : revue internationale des Pays de Nord - 01.06.1944, Blaðsíða 104
types should be noted, further implements of flint or glass, which
make it probable that the making of glass in Egypt had begun
already about 2000 B. C.
Maassara^ In this place, situated not far from those mentioned
above, five tombs were examined, three of which had been rob-
bed. Two other tombs were preserved better. They dated from
the time about 3000 B. C.
Excavations in Italy.
The Eorum Romanum in Rome.°5 Through the foundation of
the Swedish Institute in Rome in 1925 Swedish excavations in
Italy were made possible. It is, however, an interesting fact that
such were conducted in a much earlier period. Already in 1788—
89 Carl Fredric Fredenheim (born at Ábo in Finland in 1748,
first Curator of the Kongl. Museum, i. e. the origin of the Na-
tionalmuseum of Stockholm) conducted excavations in the Forum
Romanum, and in fact he is probably the first person who for
purely scientific purposes made excavations as a method of in-
vestigations in this place. His purpose was that of tracing the
extension of the Forum, and it must be admitted that he succeeded
in his plan as far as the S. W. part is concerned. He went down
to a considerable depth in the layers of earth, which at that time
were enormous, and thus he found a large building, which it
has later been possible to identify with the Basilica Julia.
Comitium^ in the Forum Romanum. It is interesting that these
64 Larsen, Tomb Six at Maassara, in the Acta Arch., 1940, p. 103; —,
Three Shaft Tombs with Chambers at Maassara, Egypt, in the Acta
Arch. 1941, p. 161; —, Svenska gravningar i Egypten, in the Ymer,
1938, p. 18.
65 Fredenheim’s diary is kept in the Nationalmuseum of Stockholm. The
results of his investigations were read to the Vitterhetsakademien in
his address of admission to the academy in 1802, see Akademiens hand-
lingar (the Proceedings of the Academy) 1808, p. 376. For literature
on Fredenheim and his Roman investigations, see B. Hildebrand, C. /.
Thomsen och hans lárda förbindelser i Sverige 1816—1837, p. 55
and 775. A modern appraisal of Fredenheim’s work has been offered
by C. v. Bildt, in the Röm. Mitt. 1901, p. 3.
68 Gjerstad, Uber die Baugeschichte des republikanischen Comitiums, in
the Dragma Martino Nilsson, Lund; —, Comizio Romano dell’etá
repubblicana, in the Opuscula Arch. 1941, p. 97.