
Jökull - 01.01.2021, Page 42

Jökull - 01.01.2021, Page 42
Magnússon et al. glacial eruption can melt large volumes of ice and trigger powerful jökulhlaups. The Katla central vol- cano beneath the Mýrdalsjökull ice cap (Figure 1) is renowned for violent eruptions that are often accom- panied by devastating jökulhlaups and tephra fall (e.g. Eyþórsson, 1945; Þórarinsson, 1975; Larsen, 2000, 2010; Larsen et al., 2013; Óladóttir et al., 2008, 2014; Smith and Haraldsson, 2005; Guðmundsson et al., 2005a, 2005b, 2007, 2008, 2013; Elíasson et al., 2005, 2006; Björnsson et al., 2000; Tómasson, 1996; Russel et al., 2010; Björnsson, 2010, 2017). Katla has also been identified as one of the largest volcanic sources of CO2 on the planet (Ilyinskaya et al., 2018). In view of the above, Mýrdalsjökull was an ob- vious target for early efforts to survey and map the bedrock of Icelandic glaciers. The first attempt ap- plied seismic reflection at nine survey sites in 1955 (Rist, 1967a), suggesting an ice thickness in the cen- tral plateau of 200–370 m. In 1977 a prototype of an analogue low frequency radar designed for use on temperate glaciers (Sverrisson et al., 1980) was used to survey a few ice thickness profiles on the cen- tral plateau of Mýrdalsjökull (Björnsson, 1978). The radar system was designed to operate at frequencies low enough (3–10 MHz) to penetrate up to 1000 m thick temperate ice and reflect back enough energy from the bedrock for detection of ice thickness. In temperate ice water pockets and tunnels on various length scales up to tens of metres scatter energy from frequencies higher than tens of MHz, leaving little or no energy reflected back from the bed. An overview of the use of the low frequency radar systems to sys- tematically map the bedrock of all major ice caps in Iceland, starting in 1978, was given by Björnsson and Pálsson (2020). The survey of Mýrdalsjökull in 1977 showed an undulating bed with 500 to 600 m thick ice in the central part and confirmed the existence of a 100 km2 caldera below Mýrdalsjökull (Björnsson, 1978), already suggested from interpretation of Land- sat images (Sigbjarnason, 1973). A distinct internal reflector at ∼300 m was observed and interpreted as the 1918 tephra layer. In 1991 a second RES-survey was done (Figure 2a,b), now with a fully developed version of the analogue RES-system, and Loran-C and GPS for navigation, covering most of Mýrdals- jökull, including the central part, with sounding lines at 1–2 km intervals. From this survey a topographic map (referred hereafter as a Digital Elevation Model; DEM) of both the surface and bedrock was created (Björnsson et al. (2000). This allowed determination of ice and water divides, estimation of the ice volume, location of the caldera rim and twelve subglacial geo- thermal areas, and discussion of how eruption sites re- late to the bedrock topography. In the 1991 survey the internal layer seen in the 1977 profiles was visible in a large portion of the caldera, again interpreted as the 1918 tephra layer. A study of the depth of the layer suggested an average mass balance in the caldera since 1918 of 3.5–4.5 m a−1 water equivalent (Brandt et al., 2005). The ice thickness was also surveyed at about 70 sites on Sólheimajökull (see Figure 1a for place name locations), an outlet glacier in southwest Mýrdalsjökull (MacIntosh et al., 2000). The glaciol- ogy group of the Institute of Earth Science (IES) ad- ditionally conducted RES point measurements at the northeast corner of the caldera plateau (at Entujökull outlet), profiles across the K7 depression (ice caul- dron, Figure 1a) that formed in 1999, and between Kötlukollar and Háabunga in 2000. An RES-profile was collected at Kötlujökull in 2003, plus 60 RES point measurements on the Kötlujökull snout in 2004 (Pálsson et al., 2005). Since 2001 the mass balance of Mýrdalsjökull has been measured in most years at a few sites in a col- laborative effort of the Iceland Glaciological Society (JÖRFÍ), IES and the Icelandic Met Office (Ágústs- son et al. 2013). The thickness of winter snow de- posited in the elevation range 1300–1500 m asl on the caldera plateau is typically 10–12 m by Mid-May, cor- responding to a winter balance of 5–6 m (water equiv- alent thickness). This is comparable to the winter accumulation measured on the 1800 m high plateau of Öræfajökull (Guðmundsson, 2000), the site where highest precipitation levels in Iceland have been mea- sured. Ablation rates on Mýrdalsjökull (as a func- tion of elevation) are similar to those recorded on the Breiðamerkurjökull outlet of southern Vatnajökull (Ágústsson et al., 2013), resulting in an annual accu- mulation that typically varies between 2–5 m (water equivalent thickness) on the caldera plateau. 40 JÖKULL No. 71, 2021
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