Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1947, Qupperneq 116
"SNÆPELL" — Churchbridge:
Einar Sigurdson .................. 19
"ESJAN” — Árborg:
Mrs. Herdis Einarson ............... 14
Mrs. Aldis Pétursson ............... 15
Sigurður Einarson .................. 15
Magnús Gislason .................... 15
"BÁRAN” — Mountain:
C. Indriðason ...................... 20
H. T. Hjaltalín .................... 20
G. J. Jðnasson .................... 20
Björn Stefánson .................... 20
H. Olafson ........................ 20
Guðm. V. Hjálmarson ................ 13
Dr. Richard Beck ................... 13
“GRDND" — Argyle:
Margrét Jðsephson .................. 20
G. J. Oleson ....................... 20
“BRÚIN” — Selkirk:
Einar Magnússon .................... 19
Mrs. Ásta Erickson ................. 19
"LUNDAR” — Lundar:
Mrs. Sveinson ...................... 15
Mrs. Kristín Pálsson ............... 15
Pétur Thorsteinsson ................ 20
"STRtíNDIN” — Vancouver:
Einar Haralds ....................... 7
Einar Haralds, Kristin Johnson
J. Halldórson.
Enginn mœttur fyrir þessar deildir: —
Iðunn, ísafold og Skjaldborg.
Dr. R. Beck lagði til, að skýrslan vœri
samþykt eins og lesin. Á. P. Jóhannsson
studdi tillöguna: Samþykt.
Las nú skrifarinn séra H. E. Johnson,
ársskýrslu sína. — Þingskjal no. 5. —
Skýrsla ritara
Það voru haldnir tfu fundir I stjðrnar-
nefndinni á árinu. Allir voru þessir fund-
ir reglulega sðttir af þeim nefndarmönn-
um, sem búa í Winnipeg og grendinni. —
Nefndarmenn aðeins fjarverandi þegar
aðrar annir og fjærvera úr borginni haml-
aði, og þó sjaldan.
Samvinna yfir höfuð að tala góð I nefnd
inni og forseti rækt starf sitt af alúð og
Skrifari ritaði öllum deildum bréf
varðandi Agnesarsjóð og fleira.
H. E. Johnson.
Mr. Á. P. Jóhannsson gerði þá tillögu,
að skýrsla ritara sé samþykt, Mr. Einar
Haralds studdi till.: Samþykt.
Þá voru framlagðar skýrslur deilda.
Forseti Icelandic Canadian Club, Carl
A. Halison, las langa og ítarlega skýrslu.
Þingskjal no. 6.:
Report of The loelandic
Canadian Cluh
Mr. Chairman, Delegates, and guestfí. I
bring you greetings and good wishes from
the Icelandic Canadian Club.
It has been noted that Delegates and
visitors to the Annual Convention of the
League are keenly interested in the
activities and various projects carried on
by the Icelandic Canadian Club. It is,
therefore, with pleasure that we once
again present to you a resume of our
activities and plans.
During the year, 7 Executive meetings
and 7 General meetings have been held
These have been well attended with from
50 to 120 members and guests present.
Since the opening of the Fall sessíon, meet-
ings have been held in conjunction with
the Lectures given at the Icelandic Cana--
dian Evening School.
Three Socials have also been held in the
First Federated Church parlors, where a
variety of entertainment has been
provided, such as, musical skits; úu'z
programs: films; vocai and instrumental
music, and, of course, refreshments. At
these Socials, the Club has been happy *-°
play host to a large number of out-of-
town students of Icelandic extraction,
who have come to consider the Club as a
centre for their gatherings. Many of these
students have joined the Club.
About 600 people attended the annua
Concert of the Club, held Feb. 25th, m
First Lutheran Church, when Hon. Nels
Johnson, Attorney-General of North Úa
kota, was the Guest Speaker. There "a®
also a varied musical program, aU
selections of Poetry, spoken in Icelan
The Social Committee held a reception
the Church Parlors, following the Concer