Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1947, Page 140
BILL'S CAFE Formerly Lundar Cafe Good Meals - Pleasant Service W. G. (Bill) Halldorson LUNDAR MANITOBA DR. G. PAULSON ViStalsstaSir: LUNÐAR og ERIKSÐALE MANITOBA
LUNDAR TRANSFER Daily Service To and From Winnipeg L. DANIELSON, Prop. LUNDAR MANITOBA BRECKMAN BROS. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes LUMBER, SASH & DOORS Crockery, Hardware, Groceries, Flour & Feed LUNDAR MAN.
J. M. GISLASON Manufacíurer of Floais • LUNDAR MANITOBA LUNDAR HOTEL A Home Away from Home— Hunter’s Paradise C. Delmage, Prop. Lundar, Man.
B. & B. MEAT MARKET Versla meS alskonar kjöt, fisk og fugla. C. BJÖRNSSON, Prop. LUNDAR MANITOBA Compliments of the Home of the Bread that made Moiher Quii Baking LUNDAR BAKERY A. V. OLSON, Proprietor
D. J. LINDAL Ford Sales and Service Gas and Oil Farm Implemenis LUNDAR MANITOBA JOHNSON'S STORE GENERAL MERCHANTS Dry Goods, Groccries, Diamond A Paint and Hardware Complete Line of Boots and Shoes Five Roses Flour and Feed White Rose Gas and Oil Good Service, Prices Reasonable STOCK COMPLETE LUNDAR MANITOBA^