

Læknablaðið - 15.02.2001, Page 15

Læknablaðið - 15.02.2001, Page 15
FRÆÐIGREINAR / RISTILKRABBAMEIN Ristilkrabbamein áíslandi 1955-1989 Meinafræðileg athugun Lárus Jónasson1, Jónas HaUgrímsson', Ásgeir Theodórs2, Þorvaldur Jónsson3, Jónas Magnússon', Jón Gunnlaugur Jónasson1 'Rannsóknastofa Háskólans í meinafræði, 2meltingarsjúkdómadeild St. Jósefsspítala Hafnarfirði, skurðdeildir Landspítala 3Fossvogi og 4Hringbraut. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Jón Gunnlaugur Jónasson Rannsóknastofu Háskólans í meinafræði, Landspítala Hringbraut, Pósthólf 1465, 121 Reykjavík. Sími: 560 1922; bréfasími: 560 1904; netfang: jongj@landspitali.is Lykilorð: ristilkrabbamein, œxlisflokkun, staðsetning, þroskunargráða, faraldsfrœði. Ágrip Markmið: í þessari rannsókn var markmiðið að kanna ýmsa meinafræðilega þætti ristilkrabbameina á íslandi á 35 ára tímabili frá 1955-1989 og þær breytingar sem orðið hafa á þessum þáttum á tímabilinu. Efniviður og aðfcrðir: Upplýsingar fengust frá Krabbameinsskrá Krabbameinsfélags Islands um alla þá er greindust með krabbamein í ristli á rann- sóknartímabilinu. Öll vefjasvör og krufningaskýrslur voru yfirfarin. Öll vefjasýni voru endurskoðuð og meinin endurmetin með tilliti til vefjagerðar, staðsetningar í ristli, þroskunargráðu æxlanna og Dukes flokkunar auk þess sem aldursstaðlað nýgengi var reiknað eftir endurskoðun greininga. Illkynja æxli í sepum eru með í rannsókninni. Rannsóknar- tímabilinu var skipt í sjö fimm ára tímabil og breyt- ingar meinafræðilegra þátta á tímabilunum kannaðar. Niðurstöður: Alls voru eftir endurmat æxlanna 1205 æxli sem uppfylltu skilmerki þess að teljast ristilkrabbamein, 572 í körlum og 633 í konum. Nýgengi jókst á rannsóknartímabilinu hjá körlum úr 8,2 í 21,5/105 og hjá konum úr 7,9 í 15,8/10\ Unnið var meinafræðilega úr 1109 æxlum. Hefðbundin kirtla- krabbamein (adenocarcinoma NOS) voru 90,1% æxlanna en næst algengasta vefjagerðin var slím- krabbamein (mucinous carcinoma). Flest æxlin voru staðsett íbugaristli (sigmoid colon) (38,6%) en næst á eftir voru botnristill (coecum) (19,1%) og risristill (ascending colon) (14,5%). Staðsetningar æxlanna breyttust ekki á rannsóknartímabilinu. Slímkrabba- mein og signethringsfrumukrabbamein (signet ring carcinoma) voru tíðari í hægri hluta ristils. Dukes flokkun æxlanna sýndi að 9,1% voru á stigi A, 32,1% á stigi B, 24,6% á stigi C og 22,7% á stigi D, en 11,5% reyndist ekki unnt að ákvarða. Lítilsháttar aukning varð á hlutfalli æxla á stigi A á síðari hluta tímabilsins ENGLISH SUMMARY Jónasson L, Hallgrímsson J, Theodórs Á, Jónsson Þ, Magnússon J, Jónasson JG Carcinoma of the colon in lceland 1955-1989. A study on pathology Læknablaöiö 2001; 87: 111-7 Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate various pathological parameters of colon carcinoma in lceland in the 35 year time period from 1955-1989, and changes in these parameters during the study period. Material and methods: Information on all patients diagnosed with colon carcinoma in the study period was obtained from the lcelandic Cancer Registry. All pathology reports and autopsy reports were checked. All pathology samples were reviewed and the tumours reevaluated, reclassified, tumour location determined, the tumours graded and Dukes staged and age standardized incidence was calculated according to revised diagnosis. Cancers in polyps are included in the study. The study period was separated into seven five year periods and changes in pathological parameters investigated according to time periods. Results: After reevaluation of the tumours 1205 fulfilled the criteria for the diagnosis of colon carcinoma, 572 in men and 633 in women. The incidence increased in the study period for men from 8.2 to 21.5/105 and for women from 7.9 to 15.8/105. The pathological parameters were determined for 1109 tumours. Adenocarcinoma NOS was the most common diagnosis or 90.1 % of the tumours and mucinous carcinomas came second. Most of the tumours were located in the sigmoid colon (38.6%), 19.1 % in the coecum and 14.5% in the ascending colon. No significant observed changes occurred in tumour location in the study period. The mucinous histological type and signet ring tumour type were more common in the right colon. In Dukes staging of the tumours 9.1 % were in stage A, 32.1 % in stage B, 24.6% in stage C and 22.7% in stage D, whereas 11.5% proved indeterminate. A minimal trend to increase in Dukes A tumours was observed in the latter half of the study period, overall no significant changes in Dukes classification could be pinpointed in the time period. Most of the tumours were of intermediate tumour grade or 70.1 %, but 16.5% were well differentiated and 13.4% were poorly differentiated. A much higher percentage of poorly differentiated tumours were present in the right colon in comparison to the left colon. A poorer differentiation of the tumours went hand in hand with worse Dukes stage of tumours. Conclusions: We conclude that: 1. the incidence of colon carcinoma has much increased during the study period for both sexes, 2. observed changes in studied pathological parameters over the study period were minimal. Of interest is the minimal change in Dukes stages of colon cancer in the study period. Key words: colon carcinoma, histological typing, location, tumour differentiation, epidemiology. Correspondence: Jón Gunnlaugur Jónasson. E-mail jongj@landspitali.is Læknablaðið 2001/87 111



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