Le Nord : revue internationale des Pays de Nord - 01.06.1944, Side 120
being in the centre of research concerning the countries of the
Eastern Mediterranean. Of course not only the excavators them-
selves have been engaged on all these investigations within the
sphere of international archaeology. A large number of Swedish
scholars have taken part in the working up of the results of
the excavations and have also independently taken up other
problems in the sphere of classical archaeology, but an account
of this work falls outside the scope of the present article.68 Sweden
thus through the investigations of these twenty years has become
completely merged into the international work and now appears
as a notable factor within the sphere of international archaeology
beside the great powers who already in the last century started
this work.
It would not seem to be an exaggeration to state that Sweden
has also otherwise contributed to the international work of ex-
cavation. As early as the 6oes and 7oes of the last century methods
of excavation were adapted in our country which have now
been adopted by other countries, although they were hardly used
anywhere outside Scandinavia. It was also the purpose of the
Swedish Crown Prince to test these methods on classical soil.
Starting from the old established Scandinavian methods, new
working methods which have attracted the attention of other
excavators and have been adopted in other countries, have gradu-
ally been developed with a view to the different conditions in
the classical South.69
In the same way Swedish archaeologists have endeavoured
to publish the results obtained as fully and scientifically accurately
as possible, even if this involved considerable expenditure. A com-
parison between the Swedish publications of excavations and
88 Among recent greater purely archaeological works of this kind may
particularly be mentioned G. Saflund, Le Mura di Roma repubblicana,
Uppsala 1931; —, Le terremare delle provincie di Modena, Reggio,
Emilia, Parma, Piacenza, Uppsala 1939; Á. Ákerström, Studien iiber
die etruskischen Craber, Uppsala 1934; —, Der geometrische Stil in
Italien, Uppsala 1943; A. Andrén, Architectural Terracottas from
Etrusco-ltalic Temples, Lund 1940; O. Vessberg, Studien zur Kunst-
geschichte der römischen Republik, Uppsala 1941; A. Furumark. The
Mycenaean Pottery, Stockholm 1941; —, The Chronology of My-
cenaean Pottery, Stockholm 1941; T. Sáve-Söderberg, Ágypten und
Nubien, Uppsala 1941; N. Áberg, Bronzezeitliche und friiheisenzeit-
liche Chronologie, Stockholm 1930—35.
69 Westholm, Chapter VI in the Manuel de la technique des fouilles
archéologiques, Paris 1939.