Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2009, Qupperneq 105
Tímarit um menntarannsóknir, 6. árgangur 2009
working with and presenting information
(Símon). A fifth used ICT for communication
with students after school hours, showing a
pastoral responsibility (Jakob). In addition,
Ólína, Símon and Jakob presented information
in class with a data projector, so their students
were also cast in the role of receivers. All
five teachers expected students to be able to
complete homework assignments using a word
processor or a programme to prepare slides,
though it is questionable the extent to which
creativity was encouraged. All the teachers
indicated that most of the ICT skills which
students were expected to use were taught
The most striking result of the study was
that in this small sample subject-specific use
of ICT was vague or weak. Indeed the science
teaching practices described to us by teachers
and which we observed reflected to a minimal
extent key aims in the national curriculum on
the nature and function of science and the skills
and methods of science. Instead it seemed that
each teacher had their own “theory of teaching”
which guided the extent to which they used or
wished to use ICT in school science classes.
Consequently the emphasis seemed more on
content than process, knowing what rather than
knowing how.
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Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates fyrir American Educational
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