Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1971, Page 106

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1971, Page 106
106 RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM son’s Heimskringla. Translated with an intro- duction by Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Pálsson. (Penguin Books). Harmondsworth 1970. 180 bls., 3 uppdr. 8vo. [—] Snorris Eddasagn. Pá dansk ved Thpger Lar- sen. Nærværende 2. udgave er optrykt efter ori- ginaludgaven. Gyldendals Trane-klassikere. Kbh. 1970. 150, (2) bls. 8vo. SOLLE, HENRIETTE. ALICE SAUNIER-SEITÉ. L’Islande d’hier et aujourd’hui. [Úrtak. 1970]. Bls. 34-47. 8vo. SPRINGBORG, PETER. Nyt og gammelt fra Snæ- fjallaströnd. Sérprent úr Afmælisriti Jóns Helgasonar 30. júní 1969. [Rvík 1969]. (1), 288.-327. bls., 3 mbl. 8vo. STANLEY, JOHN. The journals of the Stanley expedition to the Faroe Islands and Iceland in 1789. Volume 1: Introduction and diary of James Wright. Edited and annotated by John West. Tórshavn 1970. XVIII, 216 bls., 16 mbl. 8vo. STATISTICAL BULLETIN. Vol. 38. Rvík 1969. 4 nos. (60 bls.) 8vo. STEBLIN-KAMENSKIJ, M. I. On the Etymology of the Word Skáld. Sérprent úr Afmælisriti Jóns Helgasonar 30. júní 1969. [Rvík 1969]. (1), 421.-430. bls. 8vo. — Tidsforestillingene i Islendingesagaene. Sær- tryk av Edda LXVIII. Oslo 1968. Bls. 251- 261. 8vo. — Zur Bedeutung der altislandischen Literatur. (Nordeuropa. Studien 3, 1969). Bls. 171-176. 8vo. STEELE, WILLIAM O. Historien om Leiv Eiríks- son. Oversatt av Kari Gran. Tegninger av Pra- nas Lapé. Otta [1970]. 174 bls. 8vo. STEFÁNSSON, UNNSTEINN. Dissolved nutri- ents, oxygen and water masses in the Northern Irminger Sea. Repr. from: Deepsea Research 1968. Bls. 541-575. 8vo. — Nitrate-phosphate relationships in the Irminger Sea. Extrait du Joumal du Conseil Intematio- nal pour l’exploration de la mer. [Paris] 1968. Bls. 188-200. 8vo. — and GUÐMUNDUR GUÐMUNDSSON. Hydro- graphic conditions off the northeast coast of Iceland in relation to meteorological factors. Reprinted from Tellus vol. 21, number 2. [1969] Bls. 245-258. 8vo. STIRNBERG, WALTER. Familiengeschichte nordgermanischer Bauern und Entdecker um die Jahrtausendwende (800-1100 n. Chr.) [Fjölr.] Schwerte (Ruhr) 1970. 30, 48 bls., tfl. og uppdr. 8vo. STRÖMBÁCK, DAG. Dynnastenen och Heliga tre konungar. Sérprent úr Afmælisriti Jóns Helga- sonar 30. júní 1969. [Rvík 1969]. (1), 190.- 197. bls., 1 mbl. 8vo. — The epiphany in runic art. The Dynna and Sika stones. London 1970. 19 bls. 8vo. SURTSEY, Island. Natiirliche Erstbesiedlung (Ökogenese) der Vulkaninsel. Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fiir Schles- wig-Holstein. Im Auftrage des Vereins heraus- gegeben von Ekke W. Guenther und Heinz Klug. Kiel 1970. 120 bls., 18 mbl. 8vo. SURTSEY RESEARCH PROGRESS REPORT. 1%8 field season V. Rvík 1970. 120 bls. 4to. [SVEINSSON] SVENSSON, JON. Naturgewal- ten auf Island. Deutsche Jugendbiicherei (Hill- gers Deutsche Bucherei). Nr. 133. Berlin ál. 32 bls. 8vo. SVERIGES RUNINSKRIFTER. Femte bandet. Första - femte háftet. Planscher. Sth. 1940-70. 4to. [SÆMUNDAR EDDA]. Poems of the Vikings. The Elder Edda. Translated hy Patricia Terry with an Introduction by Charles W. Dunn. Indianapolis and N. Y. 1969. XXVI, 269 bls. 8vo. [—] The poetic Edda. Translated from the Ice- landic with an introduction and notes by Henry Adams Bellows. N. Y. 1968. XXVIII, 583 bls., 1 mbl. 8vo. SÆMUNDSSON, KRISTJÁN. Infrared imagery of Torfajökull thermal area. [Fjölr.] Rvík 1969. (8), 17 bls., 1 mbl., 4 uppdr. 4to. TARMURI VIKINGE: ISLANDA. Islanda: tipo- logii culturale. Secolul 20. Revista de litera- tura universala. Bucuresti 1970. Bls. 1-74. 8vo. THORODDSEN, SIGURÐUR. Appraisal report on the Efstidalur hydro-electric project Upper Brúará river, Iceland. [Fjölr.] Rvík 1962. 25 bls., 6 tfl., 2 uppdr. 4to. — Hestvatn hydro-electric project. Project plan report. [Fjölr.] Rvík 1961. (4), 36 bls., 31 tfl., 6 uppdr. 4to. TO ISLANDSKE SAGAER. Ravnkel Frpjsgodes
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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