

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1998, Síða 30

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1998, Síða 30
IV. Orkustofnun (unnið fyrir Hitaveitu Suðumesja), OS-85()75/VOD-()6.290 bls. Freysteinn Sigurðsson 1986. Hydrogeology and Groundwater on the Reykjanes Peninsula. Jökull 40:11-29. Freysteinn Sigurðsson 1993. Groundwater chem- istry and aquifer classification in Iceland. Memoires XXIV. Congr. Int. Assoc. Hydro- geol., IAH, 28th June-2nd July 1993, Ás (Oslo) Norway. Bls. 507-518. Freysteinn Sigurðsson 1994. Nytjavatnið. Hvers virði er vatnið? Arkitektúr, verktækni, skipulag 1:10-13. Freysteinn Sigurðsson & Guttormur Sigbjamarson 1990. Iceland. í: Groundwater in Eastem and Northem Europe. United Nations. Department of Technical Co-operation for Development. Natural resources / Water series No. 24:123- 137. Freysteinn Sigurðsson & Jón lngimarsson 1990. Lekt íslenskrajarðefna. I: Guttormur Sigbjamar- son (ritstj.), Vatnið og landið, vatnafræði- ráðstefna, október 1987. Orkustofnun. Bls. 121-126. Freysteinn Sigurðsson & Þórólfur H. Hafstað 1995. Þorlákshöfn. Gmnnvatn og vatnsvemd (unnið fyrir Ölfushrepp). Orkustofnun, OS- 95027/VOD-04 B. 42 bls. Haukur Tómasson & Jens Tómasson 1966. Geo- logical Report on the Aluntinium Plant site at Straumsvík. Raforkumálastjóri (unnið fyrir fslenska álfélagið hf.). 35 bls. Jón Jónsson 1978. Jarðfræðikort af Reykjanes- skaga. I: Skýringar við jarðfræðikort. II: Jarðfræðikort. Orkustofnun, OS-JHD-7831. 303 bls. + 30 myndir & 19 kort. Markús Á. Einarsson 1990. Úrkoma suðvestan- lands. í: Guttormur Sigbjamarson (ritstj.), Vatnið og landið, vatnafræðiráðstefna, október 1987. Orkustofnun. Bls. 185-195. Orkustofnun & Valnaskil Consulting Engineers 1986. Vatnsleysa - Trölladyngja. Freshwater and Geothermal Investigations (unnið fyrir Lindalax hf.). Orkustofnun OS-86032/JHD-10- B. 92 bls. + 1 kort. Verkfræðistofan Vatnaskil 1991. Rennsli og grunn- vatnshæð á höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Skýrsla. 31 bls. + 16 kort. ■ SUMMARY Groundwater in the StraumsvíkArea At Straumsvík, immediately southwest of the capi- tal area of Iceland, about 10 m3/s of groundwater issue into the sea from highly permeable lavas. The flow into the Straumsvík bay alone is approx. 5 m3/ s. This groundwater constitutes a natural resource of vital interest to the capital area, where 60% of the total population live. The Straumsvík bay is a remnant of a former bay, stretching probably about 4 km inland, which has been filled with basaltic and very permeable lavas in postglacial times. This former bay continues as a lava-filled depression, cut by active fissure swarms with a SW-NE trend and extending far to both sides. These direct the groundwater flow towards the depression, where it gathers in a very strong groundwater current, issu- ing at Straumsvík (Freysteinn Sigurðsson 1976, 1986). The groundwater basin has an areal extension of 150-200 km2, probably closer to the lower margin. The precipitation ranges from 1,000 mm/year at the coast to over 3,000 mm/year in the mountains. The area is mostly covered by postglacial or inter- glacial lavas and hyaloclastite hills and mountains, all highly permeable. Surface runoff is practically absent, the precipitation being almost completely infiltrated. The runoff rate of the groundwater is correspondingly high, resulting in a total runoff of 8-14 m3/s, presumably close to or exceeding 10 m3/s. A similar value is obtained from the estimate of the coastal outflow, or 6-15 m3/s, most probably 10- 11 m3/s. The very same valuc is obtained from hy- drological models of the the Reykjanes peninsula (Vatnaskil 1991). The quality of the water is excellent. The water basin is almost completely uninhabitated, though only sparsely vegetated. The chief sources of pos- sible pollution are the various enterprises and rec- reation sites located on the fiat lava fields south of Straumsvík. An aluminium plant (Icelandic Alu- minium Company, ISAL) on Straumsvík bay has not been shown to pollute the groundwater farther inland; as for other enterprises and the rallye-cross fields l'urther upstream from the bay, there is no certain knowledge about this. The least damage would be done by siling potential pollution sources as close as possible to the coast, which should be included in all future planning of the area, to en- sure proper conservation and exploitation of the unique groundwater source at Straumsvík. PóSTFANG HÖFUNDAR/AuTHORSAdDRESS Freysteinn Sigurðsson Orkustofnun National Energy Authority Grensásvegi 9 1S-108 Reykjavík 188
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