

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1998, Síða 41

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1998, Síða 41
young lava fields are a characteristic feature in the topography of the area. The hahitat of the dwarf charr is characterized by this topography, as well as the special interaction between spring water and sea water. The spring water has rela- tively constant temperature, round 4°C through- out the year. The sea water is introduced at high tide to the habitat of the dwarf charr, both in the littoral zone of the sea and in the ponds, as it flows through the coarse lava field beneath the freshwater column. This is reflected by tidal shifts in the ponds where sea water is found in the deeper parts ol' ponds and/or their habitat in the substratum where it has the strongest influ- ence at flood tide. The charr where observed in high densities, up to 64 indiviuals/18m2. Captured charr were from one summer old (0+) up to six years old (6+) and ranged from 3.7 to 13.9 cm in length. The charr could mature more than once and the first sexual maturalion among males occurred at lower age (>1+) and lesser size (> 6 cm fork length) than among females (>3+ and > 10 cm fork length). The females had a total of 50-75 eggs (3.8-5.0 mm in diameter) that in weight ranged between 6.8-17.4% of their body weight. The individuals maluring were almost fully mature, so the spawning starts in late September-October. At all sitcs, the majority of charr were eating and proportion of feeding fish and their stomach fullness increased with increased fish size. The prey types were invertebrates from both sea and freshwater, except in the pond Brunntjorn where invertebrates living in saline water were not found in the stomachs. Tliis reflects special fea- lure of the Brunntjom pond, where the freshwa- ter rarely mixes with the sea layer beneath, al- though it reflects the tidal lluctation. The overall main prey types according to volume were amphipods and insects, which consisted mainly of chironomids larvae and pupae and trichoptera larvae. In the sea littoral zone the charr were also eating polychaets and salmon lice (Lepeopíheir- us salmonis Krpyer) that had fallen off salmon (Salmo salar L.) during their migration along the shoreline. Importance of the prey types accord- ing to volurne varied in relation to fish size. The smallest prey, thc ehironomids larvae, were the main food bulk of one-summer-old charr, while the larger fish were eating more diverse prey, whereof proportion of large insects (trichoptera) and food of sea origin increased with increased fish size. The small size of the charr enables both imma- ture and mature individuals to utilize the same habitat. Additionally, the dark colouring of dwarf charr reflects their adaption to their habi- tat, as does their blunt snout; the shorter lower jaw compared to the upper jaw refers to their benthivorous feeding behaviour. Dwarf charr haven't been reporled previously in habitat di- rectly influenced by the sea. That, together with their ability to utilize simultaneously prey of sea origin and prey from freshwater, reflects once again how adaptive this species is. In addi- tion, dwarf morphs of charr coexist in general with other charr morphs, but in the ponds at Straumsvik no other charr morphs are found and in fact no other fish species were observed. These unique circumstances are therefore of spe- cial interest, in relation to evolutionary as well as ecological aspects. PÚST- OG NETFANG HÖFUNDA/ AUTHORS'ADDRESSES & E-MAIL Jóhannes Sturlaugsson johannes.sturlaugsson@itn.is Ingi Rúnar Jónsson ingir@itn.is Sigurður Guðjónsson siggud@itn.is Veiðimálastofnun/ Institute of Freshwater Fisheries Vagnhöfða 7 IS-112Reykjavík Stefán Eiríkur Stefánsson stefan@itn.is Stofnfiskur hf Laugavegi 103 P.O. Box5166 IS-125 Reykjavík 199
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