

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1998, Side 69

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1998, Side 69
llie calhode, and oxygen reacting with carbon anodes which are dipped into the melt, thereby forrning carbon dioxide which is then emitted. The carbon anodes contain some sulphur leading to emission of sulphur dioxide. A large amount of electricity is necessary, both to keep the melt liquid and to reduce the aluminium oxide to alu- minium. When the ISAL smelter was started in 1969 there where no hoods on the pots, but after the pots were hooded and a modern technique of transporting and charging the alumina to the pots was introduced, it was possible to collect the pot fumes in dry adsorption stations. Fluo- rides and dust are removed from the gas by injec- tion of alumina into the gas stream, whereby fluorides and dust mix and react with the alumina. The alumina is then recovered with bag filters and finally used on the pots as secondary alumina. Perfluorocarbons, which are very stable non- toxic but effective greenhouse gases, are emitted during the so-called anode effect, which is a sud- den voltage increase under the anodes if the alumina concentration gets below a certain Iimit. Through improved technique it has been possi- ble to reduce the number of anode effects, thereby reducing the emission of perfluoro- carbons. Perfluorocarbons are not ozone-deplet- ing. PÓSTFANG HÖFUNDAR/AuTHORSADDRESS Jón Hjaltalín Stefánsson íslenska álfélagið hf. Pósthólf 244/Box 244 IS-222 Hafnarfírði Netfang/E-mail jhs@isal.is 227
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