Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.1999, Síða 55

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.1999, Síða 55
JÓHANNA EINARSDÓTTIR Saltz, E., D. Dixon og J. Johnson. 1997. Training disadvantaged preschoolers on various fantasy activities. Effects on cognitive functioning and impulse control. Child Development 48:367-380. Saracho, O. 1991. The role of play in the early childhood curriculum. Spodek, B. og O. Saracho (ritstj.). Yearbook in Earhj Childhood Education. New York, Teachers College Press. Sheridan, M., G. Foley og S. Radlinsky. 1995. Using the Supportive Play Model. lndi- vidualized Intervention in Early ChUdhood Practice. New York, Teachers College Press. Shin, E. 1989. Relationships between types ofteacher intervention and preschoot children's play. Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois. [Doktorsritgerð.] Smilansky, S. 1968. The Effects of Socio-Dramatic Play on Disadvantaged Preschool Children. New York, Wiley and Sons. Smilansky, S. 1990. Sociodramatic play. Its relevance to behavior and achievement in school. Klugman, E. og S. Smilansky (ritstj.). Children's Play and Learning. Perspectives and Policy Implications, bls. 18-42. New York, Teachers College Press. Smith, P. 1994. Play training. An overview. Hellendoorn, }., R. van der Kooij og B. Sutton-Smith (ritstj.). Play and Intervention, bls. 203-213. Albany (NY), State University of New York Press. Smolucha, L. og F. Smolucha. 1998. The social origins of mind. Post-Piagetian perspectives on pretend play. Spodek, B. og O. Saracho (ritstj.). Multiple Perspec- tives on Play in Early Childhood Education. Albany (NY), State University of New York Press. Spidell, R. 1985. Preschool teachers intervention in children's play. Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois. [Doktorsritgerð.] Sponseller, D. 1982. Play and early education. Spodek, B. (ritstj.). Handbook of Research in Early Childhood Education, bls. 215-241. New York, Macmillan. Stefán Ólafsson. 1996. Hugarfar og hagvöxtur. Reykjavík, Háskóli Islands. Suzuki, M. og E. Boomer. 1997. Relationship between teachers and students in American and Japanese kindergartens. Journa1 ofSchool Education 9:11-21. Vygotsky, L. S. 1978. The role of play in development. Cole, M., V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner og E. Souberman (ritstj.). Minds in Society, bls. 92-104. Cambridge, (Mass.), Harvard University Press. Wolfgang, C. og T. Sanders. 1982. Teachers' Role. A construct for supporting the play of young children. Early Child Development and Care 8:107-120. Wood, D., L. McMahon og Y. Cranstoun. 1980. Working with under Fives. London, Grant Mclntyre. Jóhanna Einarsdóttir er dósent við Kennaraháskóla íslands. 53
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