Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2009, Side 144
Tímarit um menntarannsóknir, 6. árgangur 2009
ability to learn from its environment, that the
child is met with warmth and respect. Care and
education of playschool children are interlinked
and the one cannot be attended to without the
other. The participating playschool teachers
and carers seemed aware of the importance of
care for the social and intellectual maturation of
children and believed care to be a prerequisite
for the child’s learning and maturation both in
terms of its individual potential and in terms of
when to push and when to pause.
Care encompasses both a view and an
attitude. The participants held it of paramount
importance that the playschool be an arena
for open discussion, where everyone gets a
chance to reflect on their work and to express
their views. For what one person perceives
as care need not be deemed so by another. It
is therefore necessary to stay alert and ask
oneself: what am I doing, why and for whom?
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Sigríður Síta Pétursdóttir